Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Is All this Demon Stuff for Real?

So, I've been writing all this stuff about our real demon haunting. I've been discussing all the things that have happened to us, and you know - it's not really all that scary movie stuff. In fact, from what I understand, lots of scary, real demon stuff isn't really as jump out of your seat scary as you think. In short - life is not a scary movie.
Found it on Pinterest and it comes from:

Which brings me to the question: is this demon stuff for real? What is all this stuff about anyway? And, why is it that you can only get rid of them if you're a Christian? Or, rather, why do demons not seem to affect anyone but Christians of some kind? Is it just me? So, these are the questions that I've been searching for the answers to - and - this makes me sound like a horrible researcher, but I didn't save my sources. So - I'm winging it and telling it from memory.

The idea is to give a bit of a background, though, because a lot of this is based on faith, opinion and The Bible. I've mostly taken a bunch of information and averaged out the most common answers to gain my information. 

So, before I get into this, I feel like I need to provide some background on my personal and my family beliefs. I grew up in Northern IL. My dad and mom both grew up in Indiana. She was raised Protestant, he was Catholic. As with many Northern Midwesterners of the time, lapsed was the religion of choice, and it suited them perfectly fine.

My sister and I were going to be Baptized Catholic, but since my parents didn't want to commit to raising us Catholic exclusively, the Priest said he couldn't Baptize it. My parents simply said, "Fair enough - we'll leave it to the girls." And so it's been left.

That is not to say that my parents never introduced us to religion or God, we have spent plenty of time in church, done some time in Sunday School, and even learned the Lord's Prayer. Hey - even heathens need to fit in, right?

The point is, we're not non-believers. I am not a non-believer. I am probably one of the most spiritual people you will ever meet. I haven't read the Bible from cover to cover, but it hasn't diminished my personal belief. I would say that I'm Christian - but I'm not part of any religion. I don't like when people come knock on my door to ask me about my personal relationship with Jesus. Um... if it's PERSONAL - why would I tell a stranger about it anyway?

I do not like having bible verses shoved down my throat as an answer to a spiritual question. I want to know the why. I want to know the what. I'm faithful, but I am also a huge fan of history. I watch all the History Channel shows about biblical history. I believe that it's not inconceivable that Jesus was married. I mean, according to texts and biblical scholars, his name wasn't even Jesus, but that's not my point. 
Not sure how real this is but it is intriguing...
Found on Pinterest - here's the site:

I'm not all about arguing. I'm about loving, and living. And letting others live. I believe that everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and that no one should ever be persecuted for being a peaceful person - no matter what they believe in. If it's not hurtful to others, leave it be.

So - you can imagine how I struggle with the whole demon thing. I used to sit there and say, "It's so stupid. Like what's the point? To make someone so sad they kill themselves?" I used to imagine a delighted little evil thing sitting there with a horrible grin. But here's the thing - they DON'T grin. Smiles of any kind indicate joy. JOY. Demons are a non-hope, non-faith, straight up despair kind of thing. There is no JOY with them. Of any kind. This is why it is their goal to overcome people.

This brings me to my next question: is it that demons only exist to Christian based religions? What do others do? Well - here's the thing... Demons don't only affect Christians, they affect other types of religions, too. Maybe Pagan religions feel that the demon is more of an out of control, misdirected elemental. Maybe Native Americans feel something similar. Maybe Jewish people believe in them, too. The point is that all religions - and even non religions struggle with demonic energy of some kind. What you call it doesn't matter; it's the fact that it is there. 

Now, here's where things get a little bit tricky. I am not a scholar of any kind. I'm a writer. I can make things up like crazy. This is all honest, though, and it's what I've managed to gather. I'm not saying I'm right. I don't know if anyone is right. I won't claim to have answers, I can only share what I have gotten from the research that I have done.

Almost all of the ways of getting rid of demons require some sort of prayer, or chant. Call it what you want; you're essentially calling on your God, or Gods or the Powers That Be to protect you. You're asking that they guide you with love. You're requesting that they surround you with the protection and guidance of their love. When I pray, I thank God for the beautiful blessings that he has given me. I ask that he surround our home and all of us with the white light of his love. 

When I bless my house, I use a prayer that I found online. My daughter does it with me, and we anoint the windows with a lovely fragranced oil that has been prayed over and blessed. I ask that nothing evil or negative be allowed to enter the sanctuary of my home.

So far it's been working. But - here's what I'm getting at: demons hate love. They cannot thrive in a world filled with love. All of the blessings I have found from any religion have to do with love. Even when you're talking about elemental spirits, the driving force for turning their will is love. 

So - is all this demon stuff real? Yes, I totally believe it is. It's complete despair. Lack of hope. When you're living love, when you're surrounding yourself with goodness and happiness, you're less likely to experience it than others with a life full of stress and negative things. 

Okay, so I started wondering, though... What about Atheists? Do they get tortured by demons? What about people that don't believe? Do they get targeted by demons? Henry (my lapsed but beautifully devout Catholic husband) says that there really is no point in demons trying to affect Atheists because they don't have the "light of God" in their lives. In short, there is no spiritual light to snuff out.

Non-believers in ghosts and the supernatural, however, may be subject to demon attacks if they believe in a higher power. 

Okay, so - here's the question - am I talking out of my butt? Lots of people think so. In fact, there was a time that I really hesitated to say anything because frankly, I know it sounds a little crazy. But, the more I talked about it - at first with those who know I'm already a little nuts - the more people believed me. 

However, if I'm nuts I guess there are a lot of others out there that are too. 

So, keep hunting - it's October afterall! Stay scared, but don't call on things you can't control. There is enough out there without bringing more here.

Thank you for reading! More soon :)