Do Ghosts Really Exist?

There are so many doubters out there. Some people don't see them or feel them, even if they spend their whole lives surrounded by them. Skeptics will tell you that you're hallucinating if you see them, and that electrical energy or some type of magnetic vortex is what causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand up.

However, if you are one of the very few that can see/hear/sense ghosts, you know what it feels like to have one scaring you. You probably know to wonder if you're nuts or to try and tell your story - only to have people look at you like you have worms crawling out of your head.

I'm not ignoring the skeptics but...

Now, before we get much further, you should know that in my house, nothing is taken for granted - as far as ghost happenings. If we see something, we try to re-create it. If we hear something - we work to make the same noise.

So, for all the skeptics out there - please know that - for my family's part; we hear you. We know where you're coming from. And while we are all believers, we also want to make sure that things we see and hear are, well... Legit.

So - do ghosts really exist?

Cool right? Not my picture - I found it online here...
I think that they do, and this gives me hope. The idea that when our bodies die but we don't gives me hope that there is more to the world than this little life. Sometimes, it makes me sad that spirits might be stuck here due to some unknown reason. 

It also makes me sad that ghosts are forced from their location if they are not doing anything wrong. In my opinion, banishing a kind spirit is akin to driving someone from their home.

So, do they exist? I'm not an expert. I know what we see, feel, and hear. I know what has communicated with me - and I know what happens to me. I believe that ghosts do exist. 

This is my attempt to share our story. We've been here six years, and we have a ton of stories. Some are funny. Some are sad, but they will all offer some insight into our unseen family members. Whether you believe or not, I hope that you enjoy :)

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