Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Demon Face - The Things In My Haunted House that Scare Me the Most, Part 1

So, the other day, my Colleen asked me what was it about the house that used to scare me the most. Good question, especially since it seemed like we were always living in a state of heightened fear and awareness. So, I'm going to tell you the things that would bring tears of fear to my eyes, and make my heart pound straight out of my chest. 

Now, I really have to qualify all this, because I'm not a chicken. I don't freak out about the slightest thing. I watch the scariest movies without flinching, and ghost shows are a rainy afternoon - or sunny for that matter - past time. I eat this stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am not afraid of stuff.
What is this??? Scary! Found it on Pinterest, the site link is here

So, when people ask me what really scares me, I hesitate to say anything. It seems like since we've lived here anything I voice has been put to the test. For me, I think the biggest fear is despair. Despair and not being able to make my situation better. However, I feel like we're successfully facing and overcoming these, too.

So the scariest thing that has manifested itself in any way in my house? There are a few, and I generally took them in stride, but the demon face that would show in my oldest daughter's bedroom doorway had to be, hands down the flipping scariest thing that we experienced.

I have a theory that either my oldest daughter unknowingly built the energy that caused things to manifest in that room, or that it was there before we came. The closet always felt... Dark. Like if you left it open you might get sucked into it. But then, all the closets felt like portals here. Now they are safe - which is more of a blessing than anyone could ever realize - but old habits die hard, and those doors get closed at night.
This one is probably an old costume, but Hell-o!!! Found on Pinterest, via Buzzfeed

Let me tell you about this demon face that would show itself at the weirdest moments... You know how you walk by something and you see it out of the corner of your eye? Yeah, well, in our house, all the bedrooms are down a hall. The hall doesn't have windows, so all you're getting is ambient light from the open doors to the bedrooms. Suffice it to say that things can get pretty dark.

When you walk by at night, and the door to a bedroom is cracked, but there is no light on in that room, it's a little like looking into an abyss. If you look in, that is. Most of the time in our busy lives, we don't even turn our heads. We just walk by.

So imagine that you're doing your thing. Carrying laundry, maybe. Or getting ready for bed. You're walking down the hall and you know that you've seen something pop it's ugly head out at you at about thigh height. Scared yet? Now, imagine that it looks just like your stereotypical demon. Scared yet? I am. In fact, I'm sitting here, writing this, thinking how I'll have to take some extra time to meditate, cleanse and pray, because I'm scared about half to death of this one.

I distinctly remember that this thing would show itself whenever we walked by that room for a while. So often, in fact, that we chose to keep the door closed. From my room, I can see that bedroom door. I remember one time, I was putting clothes away in my room, and feeling that something was staring at me. Glaring at me. Taking pleasure in my discomfort. I looked and there it was. This demon face. Looking at me. No taller than my thigh and I knew it was more than eager to chew my soul to pieces.

Everything in me wanted to cry. It wanted to run. My spirit struggled to compel me to do anything I could to avoid this thing. My stubborn mind - which I believed has saved me more than once - as well as my unfailing belief in God forced me to take a deep breath and walk over to that door.

Almost as an act of rebellion, I said, "Not tonight. You're not gonna bug me tonight." Then I reached out and pulled the door closed. Bam. Right on its ugly little head. You would think I would have felt victorious, but instead, I shook. I'm pretty sure it was a panic attack, but it hit me so hard, I remember having to sit down in the living room and pray for strength and protection.

Now, I don't know about you, but when you're forced to pray for strength in dealing with your own home, there is an issue. We had an issue for a long while in this home, and I'm pretty sure that others who lived here felt it, too. Maybe we experienced things the worst, but then again, maybe not. 

Maybe that nasty little demon face was here long before we came here, but for some reason, I felt very certain that it was me that this little thing wanted to hurt. Moments like this one are the ones that scare me the most. They are why I always pray for protection, and they are what keeps me searching for answers and telling my story.

Hey, as a sidebar, there is a new show out. This guy is a demonologist. We just saw the preview and Colleen asked me if there are people out there who thinks that this stuff is all a joke and I told her that yes, I thought most definitely people thought that. She thought the show looked interesting because it looked like the guy was trying to help people.

I try not to swear much, but I feel like everyone needs to know that this shit is real. Demons are real. People need help with this stuff because it affects more people than anyone knows. Since you can't always see it, you don't know that it's happening... It might be, and there are people out there to help you. 

Anyway, until next time, be well. Don't challenge those things that you cannot see, because you never know the power that it holds. Stay safe, love well, and be happy.

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