Monday, October 26, 2015

How Does One Get Targeted by a Demon, Anyway?

Hi All~

Hopefully, everyone is getting ready for Halloween and enjoying life a little bit. A few crazy scary haunted houses might be in order, but if you've got your own haunted house, maybe it's not up your alley. I had a haunted house, and it did a fair share of scaring us, our family and our friends. So I mostly skip the made up stuff these days.

If you've read my other posts, you probably know that we suffered from a demon haunting in our house. Or, I guess maybe it was more of a demon infestation. So, this got me to thinking about how one actually gets targeted by a demon in the first place. Like, is it really something that just happens? Do they spot you coming and align the universe to wind up in their paths?

I don't really know how this works. I'm not completely sure, but I will tell you what I think happened in our case. 
This is Lorraine Warren - she's amazing! Here's the article.
Found on Pinterest, great read!

Before we even came here

Before we even came to our current home, I began doing research for a manuscript. I wanted to find all I could about demons. I wanted to know how to call them (I never did and never would, but the information itself was an integral part of the story), I wanted to know magic. I was searching for all of it. Not only did I search for it on my computer, I printed the stuff out.

I read it copiously, I memorized it and I stored all the papers away. That was the end of it. It wasn't time, so my research got put away for the time being. We were planning a big move and the timing didn't sit right with me, but I had what I needed so when I was ready it would be there for me to use.

This is how I believe it started for me. I called something just by research. Some religious groups believe that these things are getting more and more adept at traveling through various kinds of technology, and I would say I'm inclined to agree with them. 

I kind of think that since there wasn't really anything around where we used to live, whatever transmitted through my computer and onto those printed pages just kind of waited. Maybe it went dormant. Maybe it just waited.

I like to think of it like yeast. When you have dry yeast, it just kind of sits. But, when you add it to the right ingredients, it becomes an active ingredient that creates all kinds of things. This, to me, is what the information on those printed pages was about to do, and I had no idea it would even happen.

Once we made the move

It's kind of crazy, because when we moved here, we hit all kinds of problems. It was like a landslide. We chose a house and moved in, but since it wasn't completely finished, we paid rent until it was time to purchase. It would have been okay, but my husband's transfer cut his pay in half - a development we weren't aware of until he started working again. We aren't naive, we made sure that everything was in order before we took the leap, he was told that his wage would remain the same. When they cut it in half, the only explanation they gave was that they couldn't afford it at this branch.

The story of Octavia Hatcher... So sad.
Found on Pinterest, here's the article...
The cut in earnings caused us to have to make adjustments to our home plans, and before we knew it, my youngest and I were house hunting again. This time for something we could more easily afford. That was when we came here. 

I believe I mentioned before that I have always felt that we belonged here, and even now, I know that we do, but I wonder what forces aligned to bring us here.

When we moved in things were great for a while. Yes, we had our share of scary moments, but we're tough and stubborn. So we kept on. Little did I know that the information that I had printed out and stored away for the time that I was ready to embark on the project it was meant for was fermenting. It was allowing something else to gain power, I think, and it was getting ready to come to life.

When you add that to the fact that I was pretty ballsy in my approach to things like demons and evil, I'm guessing this is how I managed to wind up with my personal issue. I would say things like it's stupid to be a demon. I used to subscribe to the theory that world domination is ridiculous and more of a burden than it's worth. I was nothing but wrong, and I wound up struggling with it. 

So, I've started doing some research about how one gets targeted by a demon. While I would like to believe that my "Snow White" approach to life is just so sparkly and sunshiny that it makes sense that I would be attractive to something evil, I think it's more than that. 

Like I said, some religions believe that certain programs or movies can create an invitation to demons. Some people do, too. Of course, you know that spells and incantations can be an invitation, and many of us stay away from them because of this. 

The thing is, my husband and I have always had a love of "dark" things. We love scary movies, vampires, hauntings, the unexplained... We don't take it as far as some, but even at an early age, our children would watch the latest thrillers with us. We are simply fascinated by these things. But, that doesn't mean we should be targeted, does it?

Maybe, but maybe it's because, even though we believed in God, we didn't actively protect ourselves. We didn't know we needed to. Maybe we're both sensitive; if we weren't before, we sure are now. Maybe it was all the other weaknesses that we had in our lives at the time that created an invitation.

I wish I could tell you for sure what causes one to get targeted by a demon. I wish I could say that I am going to live my life in a way that makes me invisible forever, but I am still fascinated by the "dark," and I believe that people need to know what this stuff is really all about. I believe that there is so much more to the world that we cannot see, and that we can be vulnerable to them if we aren't careful. And I think that people need help sometimes. 

If I were pressed, I would say that if you are in any way interested in the darkness of things like demons, hauntings or the unknown, then you need to balance it by becoming spiritually interested, as well. I would say that these are some of the biggest factors that leave you vulnerable to being attacked by a demon. I would say that when times get tough in your life, letting your faith waiver can be dangerous, as well. I would also say that letting yourself become victim to negative emotions can be part of what gets you targeted by a demon.

The rest just creeps in and works on stealing your soul. It takes your happiness, your vitality, your hope, and your love. Sometimes, it's only as bad as making you have bad luck, but other times, things can get really ugly, so staying diligent, upbeat and building and keeping a strong faith are likely your best hope against being targeted by a demon.

Until next time, thank you all for reading. It's going to be an interesting time in the next few days, so stay safe... And don't practice things that you don't understand or cannot control. It's truly not worth it. 

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