Paranormal Investigation - What it's Like

Thinking of having a paranormal group come to your home to do an investigation? Lots and lots of people are finding that they want to know what is in their house with them. In fact, with all the paranormal shows out there today it seems there is a great big acceptance of "haunted" houses.

Sometimes, it doesn't occur to you to even find out what you're dealing with until things get bad. Sometimes, you're just curious and sometimes it's just fun. 

I've had more than one paranormal investigation - although they have all been courtesy of Stones River Paranormal. What an amazing group of people, though. So, here I'm going to tell you what it's been like - and how it's changed my life in so many ways.

Love these guys! They have helped us so much!

We noticed activity, but had no idea what more was involved

I've said a million times before and will say a million times more - my family is not a bunch of paranormal experts. We aren't particularly psychic, we don't have special skills when it comes to talking to spirits and we're just...  Us. 

It took about five years worth of activity in our homes, and countless experiences by us and friends to finally convince us that we needed to see what was here. My neighbor also has a "haunted" house, which leads us to believe that there is something linked to the land, and it was she who found the group and made the first move.

The first step was for Tammie (the empath of the group), along with a couple of other investigators to do a walk through. They came to both my neighbor's house and ours that first night, and determined that they found enough on the first try that our homes warranted additional investigation.

So, the investigation was scheduled about four months later. Maybe it was less, but the holidays passed - keep in mind that many paranormal groups are really busy, so it might take some time to get them out. If you feel you are having an emergency and they come to visit - they may take steps to help you right away.

When the day finally came for the investigation, our nervousness was noticeable. We cleaned the house from top to bottom and I remember that I prattled on like a child when they came. I so desperately didn't want them to think we were crazy, but there was no denying what we experienced. Hundreds of attempts to debunk activity failed. We needed to know.

I have to say that the investigation is pretty cool. It was fun to be vindicated and many different groups choose different equipment - but in our case, a flashlight was used for communication, as well as EMF detectors, video cameras and digital recorders. The tech guy set up a monitor to cover all the rooms with cameras and my family and I hung out in the kitchen while the group did their thing.

We were encouraged to be part of the activity when it came to the communication part - but what was really cool was how the group was so friendly. They were focused on their job, of course, but they wanted to hear what was going on, too. Actually, when you got them talking, they were happy to share some of the things they were doing and information about themselves and their experiences. I loved that; it gave us - I think - a sort of connection.

When they were done, it was time to wait for the results. We knew what we had experienced, and for a time it fueled us.

Once the results were in, Tammie and her husband came by for a visit to share the evidence, the findings and talk to us about goings on in our home.

The most recent visit

Most recently, Tammie came back with her husband to look into one particularly disturbing entity that resided here. I say resided, because we ended up cleansing our home of all spirits. The good moved on - and the bad was forced out of our home - never to be invited back in.

I don't know about most other investigations, because I don't know that every home has evil in it. I know that ours did. I also know that I feel like this group of people has done me so much good. I know that I will go to every fundraiser they have that I can afford. I will continue to stay in touch with them and encourage them as much as I can.

They have never asked us for a thing. We have never had to pay for their services, but they have always been more than willing to help us with our spiritual needs. I don't know if all paranormal investigators are this way, but for us - they have been nothing short of a blessing.

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