Friday, September 25, 2015

It Didn't Happen to Us Part 2... Our Demon Haunting Affected Our Loved Ones

I've been talking about all kinds of things in here lately, but I'm trying to stay organized and tell the story well... It's probably not working, but the thing is, all this stuff happened over the course of about five years. Five years of being scared. But, more than that, five years of problems that just seemed to come one after the other.

Okay, so we left off on the things that have happened to our guests. It's one thing when things happen to you all the time, you know because you live there. But, when your guests are afraid to ever sleep in your house because of the things that happen to them, it can get pretty depressing.

I got this pic off Pinterest, but the site is here.
Check out Paranormalistics. Super creepy!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that our daughters' friends didn't want to spend the night like most normal kids. We aren't weird, and we're not unfriendly. I did a lot to actually encourage people to stay. You know, great movies, great food... Fun things to do. But for a long time there, nobody wanted to spend the night.

How do you explain to your kids that since your house is haunted, nobody wants to spend the night because they're scared? It's not fair, and it did a lot to make the rest of us feel like we had some kind of gross house or cooties or something. It was depressing. Thinking about it now, I don't blame them for not wanting to stay. No matter how warm, how clean, how friendly or cozy we made our home, the demon haunting had a way of driving people away.

My youngest daughter's friends (I won't give them names)

So, one way that you can almost always tell that there is something going on in your house is to listen to children. Kids seem to see and hear things that adults can't. So, when my youngest daughter was able to sense a little girl and tell us her name, I gave it some serious credence. When her friends started telling me of people that they would hear or feel, I really paid attention.

Like the two times that little friends were playing over and they mentioned how they heard a little girl talk to them about their Barbie games. You know, how kids, especially girls, tend to gather around the Barbie house and pose them and make them talk? Well, one such time, the girls were happily playing upstairs with their Barbies and when they came down, my youngest and her friend told me of the little girl that was singing and "moving the dolls."

I tried to pretend that it was nothing, but by this point we all knew very well that there were others in our home. So, I tried not to scare the girls - it turns out that the little girl ghost was just that - a ghost. She just wanted to play and she really loved having the friends.

Okay, so this is a depression-era photo of life. It came from an
article in the Daily Mail, which is great, but do you see
what I see on the steps???
My Colleen has always been sensitive to the supernatural, as well as the feelings of others, so it wasn't surprising that she just let the girl ghost stay, but if her friends were around, she would try to encourage them to go away.

Another time, the little girl whispered in my daughter's friend's ear. I think it was something like I'm here, or right here, but I know that this girl and Colleen are still friends, but it took her a while to be comfortable spending time again.

My Mother-in-law

Okay, so if you're like me, you want to believe everything that your family tells you - even if it comes down to them having psychic powers. In my husband's case, I believe it's probably a little closer to true than what comes from others. His grandparents and mother came to the United States from Cuba when his mother was eight. It is said that his grandma was pretty psychic as a child, and it scared the old ladies in the family, so they put a binding spell on her abilities. I believe it.

My husband is much more sensitive to these things than he cares to admit. He sees things all the time, but he doesn't communicate with them. Actually, he tries to pretend he doesn't see them. So, it wasn't surprising that my mother-in-law experienced things.

While her story is long, and I will touch on it soon, I am going to say that she met, and interacted with "The Woman in White." She was convinced that this was a "Friendly" presence, and it even went so far as to gently wake her in the morning and give her some of the best sleep she's had in a long time.

Yep, it's pretty messed up, but that's what happens with a demonic haunting I guess.

Others would visit and feel like they weren't welcome or like they needed to leave quickly. Some would begin to feel sick when they came over, but most people didn't feel anything specific. Just, discomfort.

Anyway, be well until the next time. Don't let fear or negativity eat at you. If you feel that you have a haunting, don't try to engage it no matter how tempting it is. You never know when you're dealing with something truly evil.

Thanks for reading!

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