Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Remember the Nightmare Before Christmas Ghost? I Think I Figured Out What He Is

Hi All~

So, fall is in the air (that's so cliche... ) and it seems like everyone is starting to turn their attention to Halloween and all the scariness that will ensue on this very special one. I can tell you that it's still hot here in Tennessee and crazy dry. Leaves are falling, but it's not because of cooler temperatures. However, I'm in the mood for some cooler temperatures and some ghosty-ghouls, myself.

So, remember my post about the Nightmare Before Christmas Ghost? What's his name? I forget, but I love the creepy of that movie. Anyway, so in my quest to explain that which I only sort of understand, I was watching another scary program. In this one (which I foolishly forgot to write down... Monsters and Mysteries in America, I think), the guy was looking for supernatural stuff. You know, big foot, mothman, and the rake.

Yes, the rake. Not the thing that you hate to use on your fallen leaves. This is almost like a Boogeyman. In fact, if you've heard anything about the Slender Man, you might be on the right track. But, I'm getting all ahead of myself. First of all, I believe that the Nightmare Before Christmas Ghost I had in my home was this rake thing.

What the heck is a Rake, anyway?

Yeah, I hear you. I'm right there, so... Let me tell you what I've discovered... Okay, the Rake is a creature, mostly found in myths and lore. It is a creature that stands about 6 feet tall, with a jaw that comes unhinged. Some say that it looks like a tall, hairless dog. Others feel that it looks like a naked man.The point is, this thing is ugly. And scary.
The Rake: found it on The Demoniacal... Great Blog - check it out!

So, according to stories, the Rake is a creature that comes to people and stares them down. Of course when this terrifying, ugly creature of myths stares you down, you start to get a bit nervous. Most people get home and seem to feel better, but the terror begins anew a few nights later when the monster appears at the foot of the person's bed. Oh yeah, it gets worse, because it either kills the victims or it drives them to suicide.

BUT, here's the thing... I never saw my creepy Nightmare Before Christmas ghost again. After he hung out in the hall. Almost like my prayers were scaring him, I might add, and then he disappeared, I never saw his lanky, ugly self again.

No wonder, because I'm digging deeper and I find that many say that the Rake is just a made up something from 2005. That doesn't sound right to me. But, enter the Slender Man. He is yet another made up supernatural, frightening being. Oh - and did I mention that his "creators" stepped forward and admitted that they were seeking something different, too?

So, what about the Slender Man?

This one's pretty interesting... According to his creators, he is tall, faceless and grey. The creator actually added him to some photos and even came up with a cool back story that led to a whole legend. Which is really neat. But, what about the girls in Waukesha, Wisconsin who stabbed another girl because they said that the Slender Man told them to?

So, here's a depiction of the Slender Man. Click here
to find out more about the legend and see where the photo came from.
Are they just making it up? Or did they believe that they needed to commit this crime because of some made up scary character? In a way, the slender many looks like a Rake, without the jaws that come unhinged. According to one of the girls' attorneys, they believed that the Slender Man would hurt them and their families if they didn't stab the victim. It's almost easy to see how one could lose touch with reality if they were being threatened by something so frightening, but why didn't they know that it was fake like the rest of the world?

Now, one thing I want you to notice is how similar both of these guys look. So... Is the Slender Man a Rake? And how is it that two separate artists had the same idea? And, more to the point - how does this tie into my Nightmare Before Christmas ghost?

Back to Jack...

So, when you look at these images, they're pretty creepy right? What I'm wondering is if there is something supernatural out there that looks like this. If there weren't, why would so many visualize the same thing? And what is it? Could it be that some demons take the form of what we are all used to in an effort to stimulate more fear?

Reposted this picture from previous post, credit is listed there.
But take a look at tall three of these images and tell me that there
isn't something extremely similar about them...
Now, I know that when I saw Jack, he was not solid. I mean that you could see through him, and if I had put my hand through him, he would have left it cold and probably eaten me up, but I stopped him before it got to that point. He didn't get less than seven feet from me, and at that distance, my brain started tingling and I could feel the energy drain. The hairs on my arms stood up and despair hit me like a freight train.

For a second. A second was all it took for me to know that this was bad, and that it needed to be driven back. So, I did what any good spiritual girl would do: I prayed. I called all my angels, deceased relatives that ever cared, God and Jesus themselves. They drove him back. For a while, he crouched down in my hallway. Just crouched there, until eventually he went into the closet (yeah, I'm not kidding...I saw it), and I've never seen him again. 

So, was my Nightmare Before Christmas ghost my personal version of a Rake or the Slender Man? Is that the moral behind this story? Maybe, what we think we see and the intent behind it is what gives these things power. I don't know, but I hope that none of you ever have to see these things. They're terribly frightening - and I don't scare easily - but this guy got my attention and held it until he was gone. If he scared me, though, what would he do to a child?

Until next time, be well. Stay aware, stay in touch with your spiritual side and spend more time loving than feeding negativity and you'll be okay.

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