Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It Didn't Happen to Us... But it Happened to Our Guests. The Demon Haunting Affected our Loved Ones

So, today I want to talk about some of the really creepy stuff that has happened to our guests. I've been writing this and thinking, wow, that wasn't so scary. I mean, things happened kind of slowly, and while we did get pretty good at ignoring a lot of it, it was kind of a slow, steady scare. Like you're always in a heightened state of awareness. You just always know that there is something there, breathing down your neck, reading your thoughts and dreams. I guess it's a little like living in a fish bowl. Uncomfortable, but not something you can't get used to.

Okay, so I've felt this a million times... Photo link
Some of our guests, however, weren't so lucky to get out of the situation with a slow scare. Some of them were freaked out - big time.

Kaitlyn (I'm changing her name) and Fred (I know, that's lame too...)

So, my oldest daughter's friend and her ex-boyfriend decided to come to visit. They said it would be cool to see Nashville, and it would be fun to see my daughter. My husband and I are pretty strict about sleeping arrangements - yes we're old school - so Fred slept upstairs, and Kaitlyn slept in my oldest daughter's room.

Whatever we had upstairs didn't always like guests that it didn't know. It would do lots to scare them, so when Fred was sleeping upstairs, we're pretty sure that whatever worked to frighten us gave him a scare, too. He said he was sound asleep when he said someone whisper his name. You know, the creepy crawly movie whisper - "Free-eed." He said his eyes flew open and he couldn't sleep at all until he saw the morning light peeking through the windows. In fact, it had him so creeped out that he decided he would rather sleep in our living room than spend another night upstairs.

The same night, Kaitlyn - remember sleeping in my daughter's room - encountered something that just about caused her to want to leave. In fact, I'm pretty surprised it didn't. If you don't know, that room seems to be all full of issues. My oldest has had her fair share of rebellion, and before the house was cleansed, we did our fair share of keeping that door closed. On this particular night, I woke up to what I thought was a very loud encounter between Kaitlyn and Fred. I looked at my husband and I was like, "Damn..." We both decided that we would try to let it pass, until it increased in volume and intensity.

With the way this looks - I'm super grateful I've never seen it
Thanks for the photo and link to full story here
It sounded like she was hyperventilating or panting and saying, "I can't..." "I..." "I can't..." and she was crying. Now let me put a sidebar in here to show you the way I think... At first, I was thinking, why would you break up with someone who does that for you? Yes, I admit. They were both consenting adults so I didn't really freak out too much. But as it continued, I kind of started to worry that something might be wrong. The door wasn't even closed, and Fred was sitting (dressed I should add) on the side of the bed while Kaitlyn was laying on the bed crying.

As soon as I walked in, she started crying and gulping air. It appears our resident creeper decided that it would show some respect and leave when I walked in. At that point I apparently still held power. Once we calmed her down, she told us that a giant demon face hovered over her. It wasn't saying anything, just looking at her. She said she was so scared she couldn't move, and then something made it so she couldn't breathe. Like an elephant was sitting on her chest. She said she understood why my oldest had moved out and said she wouldn't be sleeping in there again.

They stayed two more nights and nothing happened to them at all. Our living room looked like a campsite, and I was relieved when they left, but the ugliness of that situation has stuck with me for quite a long time.

My sister

So, my sister and her boyfriend - now husband - came for Christmas one year. Everything was pretty mellow, except she was wrapping presents in our living room, and he was in the kitchen. It was only the two of them in this part of the house at the time, They both saw a black shadow run across the room. She said they looked at each other and he said, "Did you see that?" She said yes, and he said, "Huh."

Another time she was staying, in my oldest daughter's old room (I'm telling you - it was the room), and was laying down to take a nap. My sister is the best napper in the world, so something keeping her up is rare. Her suitcase was sitting open, the top was leaning up against the wall, but she had it pulled out so the top wouldn't fall forward. There was a bag or roll of wrapping paper securely sitting in the middle of the open suitcase. Boring details, yes, but necessary. I promise.

Uh... I now have goosebumps. And tears in my eyes...
Photo credit here
I'm not sure if she was just playing on her phone or what, I forget exactly, but she said that the wrapping paper - I think it was wrapping paper - fell off the suitcase. Now, think about this: Her suitcase is relatively large. When it's open, it makes a rectangle that is fairly flat. If the object was securely in the middle of it, there would have had to have been a distance for it to roll.

She said she thought that was weird, but not unthinkable. However, when the lid of the suitcase slammed shut, she was understandably shaken. To give her credit, she didn't change where she slept, and she didn't even talk about it until we were out of the house. So - the demon that lived in that room must have been miffed. 

Okay, so more has happened. I'm going to break this one up so you don't get bored and I can remember all of the things that happened to others here. Thank you so much for reading, and be well. 

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