Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to Our Haunted House

Hey All ~

So, a great friend of mine read all my posts... She said she liked it (YAY!) But that she felt like she had been really left hanging... She said that she felt like I didn't get into detail like she knew I had really experienced. She is very, very right. I have been trying to protect myself from the potential danger of IT returning... See, once you're tagged by these things, you're tagged for life. It's like you have some invisible tattoo or something. Until now, I wasn't entirely sure that I was strong enough to fight a constant threat, but here's the thing... It's always here anyway.

I feel like people need to know that this is real, and lots of people need to know that they aren't crazy. You can debunk it if you're so inclined, and that's usually a pretty good way to know if what you're experiencing is from things like popping studs from temperature changes, furnace clanks or something more supernatural. I would recommend that anyone who is experiencing things try to debunk what they hear and see, but I also recommend that they NOT try to engage the activity.

Now, here's where things get deeper. I'm going to tell you what things have really been like. And how things have been since we had our house cleansed.

Keep in mind that we experienced serious activity for at least five years. That's five years of things adding up. That's five years of negativity, and on some level, fear. Imagine feeling afraid every single night as you fall asleep. You can't open your eyes or you'll see the shadows closing in on you. I'm a throw the covers over your head kind of girl. But you know this stuff really takes a toll on you. It makes you... Unhappy. In fact, even now I feel a little like crying when I think about it.

Well, actually, at first you're like, "Cool, I wonder why they're here..." Here's the thing, it might not really have anything to do with you. It might actually have a lot to do with your location, and your "guests," act like they're the ones who are tolerating you.

Time for a sidebar

Okay so let me do a quick sidebar... I'm no stranger to haunted houses. When I was a kid, the condos where we lived were built pretty close to some Native American burial grounds. I want to say on top of, but an accusation like that is pretty heavy. Anyway, I remember one night I felt something run over my feet in my bed. My exhausted parents stripped the bed and practically tore apart my room and couldn't find anything. It felt like a furry... something. Another time, I looked up in my bedroom window while playing outside and saw a Native American standing in my room... In that same place, my grandpa heard dishes moving around one night and came down to find the cabinet doors open.

When I was 22, I had a very old home. My daughter and I lived there alone (this was pre-Henry). It was a one-story that originally was a one room school house. The attic had solid floors, and we could hear a ball rolling from one end of the house to the other. There was no ball in the attic. There was also a coat closet in my living room. You had to push it hard to get it to latch. I always pushed it to latch shut and pulled it to check because I hated when it came open. It always came open. I would hear footsteps on the floors when my daughter wasn't home, but when I said that she would be back they stopped.

There are more, but I don't want to put them all in just this post, and since this is a sidebar, the point is that I'm not a stranger to hauntings. My dad jokingly says it's me... Sometimes, I'm not so sure it's not.

Okay, back to the story...

So, I'm trying to think back to the first time I really discovered that my house was haunted... But now that I really think about it, I don't think there's any one real moment. It's just something I knew. Our friends and neighbors would report seeing things, and we did, too, but it wasn't like one day that lightbulb goes on over your head and you say, "Hey! I bet my house is haunted!" It's more like you just... Know. 

So, at first it wasn't anything so outright. It was more of a feeling. For me, it's chills that run up and down your back. Have you ever been sitting in a cozy chair or couch and felt perfectly comfortable except for your back? It's like you have goosebumps and you know it. This was how it felt to me at first. Or, try this experiment. Close your eyes and have someone silently walk up to you. Can you feel them without having them really touch you? I bet you can. It's like your space is being invaded right?

That's a little what it feels like to live in a haunted house. Like your space is being invaded all the time. By a creep. Because you can't see it most of the time. You're taking a shower and even though the curtain doesn't open and nobody comes in, you know that you're not alone. I'm telling you I shaved off more goosebumps on my legs I was convinced that I would scream if it didn't stop.

It's like things go missing and you know that they were there. Your dog watches something you cannot see and barks at the air. Seriously. She was crazy, but not that bad... What got even crazier was when you could ask for your missing item out loud and it would show up. These things... They start to eat at you, they put you in a state of heightened awareness. But, this is the way hauntings go.

They're slow because they have to build power. If I had known how much power was building, I think I would have taken care of things much sooner.

Here's the thing about demon infestations: they don't just possess you. It's not like BAM! you're possessed. And this is where things get heavy. - Oh my gosh! This is hard... It's like the 15th time I've gotten up and walked away - Bad things started happening to us. Because that's the way these entities work.

We lived here about a year when Henry - who had worked for an armored transport company for 15 years - was falsely accused of stealing. The thing was that it was piddly - like $10,000. He is the most honest person in the world and I'm not just saying that because he's my husband. It was a few months of hell. I was convinced that every time I saw a cop they were going to arrest him. When they finally did get around to questioning him he told them, "If I were gonna steal from [my work], you can bet it wouldn't be for less than a mil because I wouldn't stick around here." Does that seem like a guy that would steal from his company? Looking back, this was my worst fear, being falsely accused of something. Guess what, it happened.

Then a couple months later, my dad had a major stroke. Coincidence? Sure, maybe. Second worst fear at work there.

I felt like I was on the brink of breaking. I remember that I walked around in a daze most of the time. Here I was, trying to build my writing career and I couldn't focus for anything. I would sneak off to the bathroom just to let a few hot tears run down my cheeks because my eyes hurt from the strain of trying to hold them in. I would pretend I was doing the laundry and find myself sobbing hopelessly in my closet.

This was the earliest stage of the time that the demonic infestation in our home began to make itself known...

Okay, I have to take a break. So, I'll come back and write more - maybe tomorrow, but we've got plans :) So, it might have to wait til Sunday, but be well, live richly and happily - And as always, thank you for reading! 

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