Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Demons - What Makes them Tick

Hi All!

It's been a long, long time and I apologize. I kind of scared myself a little bit, I think. Had to regroup and take a step back for a while. Sometimes, things just get a little too scary for me. Plus, even I get lazy, and complacent and making sure to keep up with thinks like the cleansing prayers that keep my family and I safe sometimes slips my mind.

I know - crazy - right? Why would I let those things slip? Because I am human. And I get busy - and it has been a very happily busy summer. Spring was pretty awesome, too. But it's time to get back to this, because of a couple reasons: #1: I feel like we're getting closer to Halloween and this is a really dangerous time. If for no other reason than people want to get "Creepy" and they start trying things they shouldn't. #2: Because it's time to get back to sharing. If I do nothing else, it's really my goal to help others see that these things can happen and in the big scheme of things, this might be the most important thing in life, and how you choose to live yours.

So, let's get back at it: what makes demons tick? Now, I'm not an amazing Demonologist or anything. I can only do research. I think I might be developing some skills, but I'm not sure, and don't want to go around saying I am when I really don't know.

What I will tell you, without a doubt is that I can feel things and recognize when there is something around me. I think that's simply from experience. I spend a lot of time telling myself that there is nothing there, just because I won't ever give anything negative power over me again. Saying nothing is there when it is, gives me time to regroup and get to those cleansing prayers I mentioned.

Okay, so here's what I've gathered about demons:

  • There are a butt-ton of them around. They're all over and they come in levels - think power - so the higher the number of the demon, the more dangerous they are. I guess I think of the lower numbers as like baby-demons. Which is crazy. 
  • I don't know how they are made. And frankly, I don't want to know. You can give it any mythology you want, but why all the beauty and power in the universe would allow them to be made is beyond me, so I don't dare to ask.
  • They get into your thoughts. They can make you think you're crazy. You might be thinking something really amazing and beautiful, and they color it dark. They can affect your dreams, your mood and your life in every aspect. The kicker is that you don't even know WHY. Sucks.
  • These negative entities are all around all the time. The key is to not notice them or let them affect your life. This is the really hard part because stress can make us anxious and angry, and that's a doorway. 
  • They thrive on negativity. 
  • You're most likely to encounter the lower level ones, but they can make big problems in your life, too. 
  • Here's the kicker: they affect your free will. Most of the time, they don't really do anything except get in your head. When they start making you cranky, angry, depressed and in despair, you're going to start reflecting that and expecting nothing but that. It's a cycle. The more negative you feel, the more negatively you respond to every situation. The more negatively you respond, the more you expect every single day to be negative. And so forth.
  • They can be driven away, but once you're targeted, you will have to stay strong forever. Your faith is going to be your best friend - but don't worry - it's usually enough.
This is what I have learned about these horrible things. Unlike other people, I know the trauma and havoc they can wreak on your life. I know how they can turn your healthy, happy home into something sinister and ugly. I also know that it takes diligence and determination, love and faith to guide you through the tough times. 

You'll probably need help at first - and that's okay. There are some really wonderful people out there to help you do the trick. In fact, I'm going to start working on a list of people across the country that can help you if you need it. They all care - and they all know what you're going though - and I promise, if you believe, they will help you. So look for it, and I'll post updates on it as I go.

Everyone that reads this - thank you :) It's a little different, and maybe not creepy like you hoped, but I hope that it at least gives you a few chills and keeps you thinking about what's out there other than us. Take care!

P.S. I'm not putting pictures of any demons in this post for a reason: it scares me. I hate to talk about them and post images at the same time, so... Maybe I'll get braver soon!

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