Wednesday, December 3, 2014

If You've Been Saved - Can You be Affected by Demons?

This has been a tough topic for me - the idea that if you've been Saved, or Baptized or Christened, can you be affected by demons? More to the point, can you be possessed by demons? If you've been saved - that is.

My personal take on this situation is a bit different than many religious leaders would have you believe, and this might be a short post because I'm a bit afraid of angering anyone. So, let me say this before anything else: We've discussed my religious standing. We've also discussed my spiritual standing. I do not belong to any organized religion, but I was married Lutheran, and that was where our Pastor felt that I was just fine to take communion - even though I have never been baptized. In his eyes, I had come as close to being saved as a person can come, and it was good enough for him.

Meet Anneliese Michel - pretty girl, right?
Photo cred:

Now, some who like to spout fire and brimstone would say that he was too lenient - and maybe he was, but to me he was my link to the Spiritual, and he helped me to open my soul, my heart and my eyes. 

So- now that you know this about me, let's talk about the different Christian beliefs, and which one is real. I have heard people who have been haunted or possessed say that they used to believe that they were untouchable because they had been Saved, or Baptized - or which ever process you choose. 

Many have said that they also believe that the truth lies a little bit in all of the religions, and no one is completely correct. Can you be possessed if you have been saved? Look at The Possession of Emily Rose. Here is a classic example of a very devout young woman being possessed at it's worst. Her real name was Anneliese Michel, and she was German. She was also Catholic - and had been Baptized. So... She was saved from birth, right? Assuming she went to church regularly, and confession, then she should have been protected, right? Okay, well then what happened to her? Why was she possessed? 

Before and during exorcisms. There is no denying her treatment was extreme and things
could have been handled differently. Possessed or no? Read the link and credit for this picture and you decide:
Some will say it is because she was so devout. What's your take? Why do you think she was? Here's one for you: it's because faith is extremely powerful. Possessing the faithful not only gives a demon power, but it also - pretty much - smites God. 

Do you still believe that being saved is enough? Okay, maybe for some. Maybe those that aren't interested in the paranormal or supernatural. Maybe those that doubt just a little bit are safer. Or - maybe it's those blatant sinners who are safe, because in the eyes of the Church - any church - they have already allowed Satan into their lives.

Here's the thing - and I'm going to be kind of short here if I can - my family says I talk too much and it's usually in run-on's, so I'll try not to do that now - once you're introduced to demons; either by infestation, or some type of supernatural portal you are going to be seen. You're also going to be watched, stalked and sapped - if you let it happen. 

You can't move from this type of thing. You can't close your eyes and wish it away, and even when you've cleansed your home and protected yourself and your loved ones you will have to stay diligent. Always diligent.

So - okay, maybe you've experienced this first hand. If so, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe you're feeling pretty victorious in the peace of your home. Finally only HUMANS! Oh I completely know where you're coming from. When we first cleansed the house I - well, I was a lot of things, but mostly I was scared. I was terrified by the thought that this thing could creep back up on us like it did the first time. I didn't see it coming the first time, so what happens if IT happens again.

Here's the thing - remember all the negativity that felt like it was piled up on you? For me, it was despair. It was fatigue, heartache, financial troubles, and physical feelings like constant difficulty breathing. I had pain in my body. I felt like something was squashing my chest. All totally physical right? Yeah, and scary. I might have gone to the doc, but by this time I knew what was happening.

If it was something wrong with my body, I figured that it would affect me when I left my house, but oddly it never did. I felt amazing when I wasn't home. I could run on just a couple hours of sleep and not suffer. I could breathe and didn't have a headache or a care in the world. Then I would come home.

What I'm getting at is that you're going to know if things start to get a little freaky again - and they might. When you've cast out a demon it's going to try to get back in. You have to stay diligent and aware of your surroundings. You also need to get aware of how you're feeling. Once you do, you'll be able to identify when something is pressing on your protective bubble and you can do what it takes to reinforce it.

I know I go on and on about what happened to me, but in a way, this is how I answer my own questions of what exactly occurred in my home. I want to share it, but it's hard to tell five years worth of crap in a few thousand words. So - I appreciate anyone who checks in, and I hope that I can help - just a little - anyone who is experiencing things like I have. Our family has been affected, our faith has been brought to question and survived, and our beliefs have been - at the least, shaken. It needs to be told, because it is far more real than lots of people want to admit - but it's out there.

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