Saturday, January 31, 2015

Are Aliens Paranormal? Do they Count as Hauntings?

So... Today it's all about aliens. Oh - I know, you're thinking GREAT, now she has ALIENS?! Now, I'm not going to say that we have had alien encounters - yet - but you never know, right? But - one thing I want to kind of talk about is how aliens sometimes seem to go hand in hand with ghosts and hauntings. This totally fascinates me and I'll tell you why:
I was watching another ghost show - which will remain nameless. If you're a fan, you'll guess it anyway. So... She says that she thinks that some of what the family is dealing with may be aliens.
WHAT is this?! I found it on Pinterest, but here's the link...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Normal People Don't Deal with Ghosts - Do They?

So, one of the things that I'm always challenged by is the fact that "normal people" aren't supposed to have to deal with ghosts. Right? I mean, seriously, like how crazy do I sound when I talk about all this stuff. Even my family says, "Oh Melissa, are you sure you weren't just imagining things?" My sister - gotta love her - only believes me because she and her husband have been at my house and experienced things. 

There are skeptics. I get that. I don't blame them. I've always been interested in the paranormal - and this isn't my first haunted rodeo, haha - but you have to admit, it does sound a little weird. Then, when I tell friends or family that I haven't talked to in a while that we had to have our house cleansed because we had a demon in it? Hahaha - you can imagine some of the really strange looks I get. But you know, we're just normal people. 

My normal self - loving my dog