Saturday, January 31, 2015

Are Aliens Paranormal? Do they Count as Hauntings?

So... Today it's all about aliens. Oh - I know, you're thinking GREAT, now she has ALIENS?! Now, I'm not going to say that we have had alien encounters - yet - but you never know, right? But - one thing I want to kind of talk about is how aliens sometimes seem to go hand in hand with ghosts and hauntings. This totally fascinates me and I'll tell you why:
I was watching another ghost show - which will remain nameless. If you're a fan, you'll guess it anyway. So... She says that she thinks that some of what the family is dealing with may be aliens.
WHAT is this?! I found it on Pinterest, but here's the link...

Ever intrigued - I was like, "Whoa - what? ALIENS?" Yeah, but I mean it kind of makes sense. After all, paranormal is that which we cannot explain right? Now - I don't know about you, but I'm not a huge expert on aliens... Here's the thing I'm thinking: sometimes when weirdo stuff happens, we chalk it all up to ghosts because we simply cannot explain them.

Okay, so let me tell you about a couple things that have happened - and you tell me what you think... Now remember, it could be nightmares or a situation where you wake up at night and think you're seeing something that you don't. This is why I am more the one to promptly throw the covers back over my head and will myself to go to sleep. I am not brave enough to go chasing anything down - and a part of me figures that if there is anything out there, I can increase my chances of survival by not knowing what's going on.

Call me chicken, I can handle it. Anyway, so you know by now that our house have been a veritable hot spot of activity. Most nights while we slept there was a ton of activity floating around. One of the most annoying nights was when I forgot to close my closet door and was trying to fall asleep when I started hearing my drawer pulls start flopping back against my drawers.

My dressers are antique, and the pulls are metal like loops that are attached to round metal plates I guess. All of the children in my life have enjoyed flopping them up and down throughout the years. They were my grandma's and I am extremely attached to them.

So - the sound is extremely familiar to me, but let me tell you, when you're lying down - in the dark... When you're all alone and you know without a shadow of a doubt that your dog hasn't learned how to do this trick - you about lose your mind. So, me being the "hider" that I am, I turned over with my back to the dressers and tried to close my eyes. Then, I heard rustling noises. Like bare feet on carpet. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

I could tell it was coming closer to me. You know how you can just feel when someone is near you even with your eyes closed? Yep - that's it. Well I knew, knew, knew. I think I've actually talked about this before, so if you're reading it again - forgive me... I even turned over and opened my eyes because I thought that it might have been my youngest. Let me tell you...

My room is dark and there isn't much ambient light. My window faces the backyard and there are no driveways where light could shine in the window from - remember this because it's important later...

Anyway, when I turned toward my dresser and looked I saw like a few black figures. At least three. They were different heights, but they looked like they were stretching up over the bed. I was soooooo scared. I told them that I wasn't in the mood and to knock it off - and I turned over and prayed as passionately as I have ever prayed. I prayed myself to sleep that night, and have closed my closet door every night since.
This scares the hell out of me! Image from Pinterest, but here's the article link:

That's one of the scariest, but... back to the Aliens. So - we have had experiences that aren't ghosts exactly, but can't be confirmed as aliens. Does that make sense? Like maybe we just don't know...

So for me, it was another dark night. I'm beginning to realize I must not sleep much... Anyway. I mentioned how my window doesn't get any headlight or ambient light glare. Okay, so if you can get the image, our window (I know it's sad, our room only has one - fortunately it's big...) is directly across the room from our door. Directly across the hallway from our door is a wall. To the left on the opposite side of the hall is my daughter's room - she sleeps with her door closed. To the right of the wall on the same side of the hallway as my youngest daughter's room. Her door was also closed.

I was startled awake. My eyes flew open and my heart was racing. I couldn't identify the source of what woke me, but I knew it wasn't good. I lay there for a moment and just looked at a dark wall. Finally, I turned over and looked out my bedroom door - of course it had to be wide open - and saw a very, very intense white light on the wall across from my door.

My first thought was, "What the hell is going on outside?" Of course big chicken doesn't actually get out of bed... My dog wasn't barking so that was good. I didn't think a gun could benefit me against a light, but I'm smart enough to initially identify the source of the light as my bedroom window. So, I looked. My bed is right next to it - no bravery there. Nothing. No extraordinary light shining through. No light from the adjoining bathroom window.

My sweet Bailey would have protected me from anything.

The light moved around a little - like a burglar using a spotlight - and then it zoomed off. Now, I would have really freaked out I guess if it had been smaller - like a flashlight. Or, if I had found it coming from my window or my dog was barking, I would have done what Henry trained me to do... I admit I'm a chicken, but I can act in the face of danger I think... Hope.

BUT, in this case, it was more the fear of not knowing what was going on that had me. I couldn't turn to Henry - he was working. So I was on my own and I guess the fear that settled it was almost paralyzing. Why was only I seeing this light? Why wasn't everyone and their brother waking up asking what was going on? Where did this light come from and more to the point, did I even really want to know? I decided no.

It was a long, tense night, but I finally fell asleep. Never did find out what that light was.
So, here's the really weird thing...
Another Pinterest find, but here's the link again
A few nights later, Henry told me he had the weirdest dream. Bailey - the best Border Collie in the world - started barking and he saw a light. Like the one I saw and then something picked him up and dragged him down the hall. He said he struggled and kicked the whole way and Bailey was barking furiously. He was across the living room from the front door and they dropped him. Just left him there. He said the next thing he knew he was back in bed and Bailey was growling.

Weird - right? So I'm thinking okay, was it a dream? You know the thing is you have to be so, so careful with all this. People are really quick to think you're weird when you tell them this stuff, so we don't mostly.

Do we believe there are aliens? Sure - I mean how could there not be? Do we think that they were checking us out? Well - we're already troubled by other stuff, right? So - maybe. Are we willing to tell anyone about it? Nah - nobody would believe us anyway, and it hasn't happened since, so... Why bother, right?

It seems like one weird thing follows another around here... So I guess I wouldn't be entirely surprised.

Anyway all, thank you always for reading! Stay healthy and safe.

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