Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let's Talk Ghosts

As I've said, our ghosts say that they aren't ghosts, but when we started discovering that they might be around, we didn't know that. In fact, we weren't even sure that they were here. All we knew was that strange things were beginning to happen. For my part, I didn't get scared, really. Okay, well... not much.

I tend to have a strange reaction to them, though. When one particular (this is where I get into their names - which I think they choose) ghost who calls herself Diana comes around, I cry. It's not bawling, but it's something like she wraps her arms around me and tears pour from my eyes. There is a sadness with her, but she's not bad. She is simply sad. 

As a sidebar, from those that can see her well, I am told that she follows me quite a lot. If I'm in the yard, she stays nearby. She hangs back a bit, but she is always there. Pretty cool, right?

This is not our little girl - I found this courtesy of Pinterest.com
But maybe this is what our little girl ghost looked like!
Okay, so Diana makes me cry. One of our other spirits - Pearcy (Which isn't his real name. I believe it's Paul, but he's a jokester), is a little bit quieter about things. I don't usually feel him, but then, if he's always around maybe I do and just don't even realize it anymore. 

I'll get into their history soon, but I want to go chronologically so everyone can see what it's been like getting to know them.

After Colleen's first sighting

We left off with the first sighting of spirits in our home. While we didn't really brush it off, we also figured that it could have been a fluke. Both Henry (my husband - no point in pretending my family doesn't have names right?) and I believe in the whole spiritual realm, but we are also realistic enough not to assume that it could happen to us.

At the beginning, things were pretty easy to deny, too, because it didn't happen every single day. You know, we would have the occasional missing item. Or, when you know that your shoes are sitting together in an out of the way space, only to find one in the bedroom and the other in the living room later - you often just think that one of your funny family members were playing a joke. For a while. Until there is nobody home with you. When you say, "Where the heck is my shoe?" and you turn around and there it is...

After Colleen saw the shadow man - who I must mention that I don't think is a true "Shadow Man," but I am not a professional - she didn't really say much about seeing anything more. Once in a while, she would tell me she saw something in the hallway or ducking into the linen closet, but in order to keep her fears in check, I would make a joke about a ghost wanting to have clean towels to rest on.

For me, the next creepy thing came at about three o'clock in the morning. On a weeknight. Henry was working nights, the house was dark and quiet. I have never liked to get up at this time, because of the eerie way the shadows dance on the walls. Sometimes they grow, sometimes they shrink and most of the time they play tricks on your eyes.

This night, though, I was awake. You know how you're awakened to a sound but you have no idea what it was that woke you? That's where I was. I laid there, covers high over my head and back to the door. My first thought was that someone had broken in. My dog - my protector - wasn't barking, and she would have if there were an intruder. In fact, she was snoring on the floor next to me.

My eyes were wide open and I strained my ears to see if I could hear the offending noise again. Without warning, there it was. It was the sound of little feet running across the floor upstairs. Let me mention that while the upstairs of our house is finished, it is one long room and a bathroom - plenty of room for little ones to play and run.

At first I thought that Colleen might have gotten up and decided to go play. She has always been a wonderful sleeper, though, so I doubted that the noise was her. I got up and checked on my little one anyway. Just as I had suspected, she was sound asleep.

Since I was up, I checked on Gabby (my oldest), as well. She, too, was sound asleep. There were no lights on, and since my dog wasn't barking, I didn't feel that I needed to go upstairs. In fact, she gave me a baleful look when I woke her to see if the girls were awake. Dutifully she followed, but you could tell she just wanted to go back to sleep.

Now, I know I had worked myself into a slight tizzy. But I crawled back into bed, encouraged my Bailey (the best Border Collie ever) to join me and pulled the covers high. That night, I fell asleep listening to the sound of little feet running and somehow I knew that a little girl played with my daughter's toys while we slept.

Seeking confirmation

You know when you have strange dreams and you wake up feeling groggy and confused? Like you're trying to make sense of what happened? That's how I felt. I couldn't tell if I had actually experienced the events of the previous night or if they were all just part of a crazy dream.

I sought confirmation anywhere I could find it, but it seemed like I just wouldn't ever know if I was going nuts or not. 

Until Colleen mentioned something to me about the little girl who likes to play with her toys when we sleep. She told me her name, but I have forgotten it now. It was something that started with an E or an A.

Later that night, as I was getting ready for bed, my husband says to me, "Do you know we have a little girl ghost named ... (like I said, I forgot)" Just as he said that, the hairs on my arms and neck stood up and I lost my breath. Tears sprang to my eyes and I struggled to breathe for a second. He asked what was wrong, but I simply could not describe what had just happened. "Yup," he said, "you just met her."

Not so long after that, on a night he was off, he reported having seen a little girl, in period dress, with a longish (mid calf length) dress, and a pinafore. He said she had long dark hair and she walked over to Bailey who was laying on the floor but not asleep. She began petting her, and he said that Bailey was wagging her tail.

I think this little girl is sweet. I've been told that she stays because she needs mothering, but as Colleen grows, this little one does not. And that makes me sad for her.

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