Friday, August 8, 2014

As a Sidebar... What if it's Negative?

I've been telling the story of my "haunted" house. Going slowly and trying to recount everything for readers that I can, but I have a sidebar post. Something that is a current concern to me. Lately, I've started to worry that maybe - just maybe - there is something that is not so great hanging out. Maybe it's creating a cloud over our heads that we can't even sense. 

The reason I'm saying this is because one thing that always occurs to me when you watch those shows about hauntings is that they don't talk much about many of the other issues that are going on in families lives.

For instance (and I don't want this to be a "woe is me" post, so don't get me wrong), before we moved here, we tended to have pretty good things happen. If we wanted something, it seemed to happen. We made money, we were (mostly) happy, and life was good. To us, it seemed a no-brainer that we would be able to make a major move and not only land on our feet, but do well.

I'll mention that we bought our house in 2008, and as were many during that year and since then, we have been affected by the changes in the economy. My husband lost a good job that he had been with forever and was forced to take a much lower paying job for a couple years. Now, he's got a much better job - and is making progress, but it still seems that we've been living with a series of starts and stops lately. We'll have promising news or luck and pouf - it vanishes.

Now, during this time, we have struggled with one teenager, had a grandchild and battled numerous dramatic situations. So, when it came to my attention that there might be something negative affecting us - a spirit - I was floored. I've always thought that despite everything, we've given out clearly positive energy.

I feel like in the time since we initiated the first paranormal investigation, we've gotten pretty close to the Empath of the group. She's wonderful, down to earth, friendly, non-judgmental and just all around a really fantastic person. 

Last weekend, the group came to my neighbor's to investigate her yard - which got really interesting - but I'll save it for another day... So, we got to see Tammie and crew again. Which was great. But...

My neighbor has had an encounter with a "Woman in White" at my house. It turned out to be a pretty negative experience for her spiritually. She and Tammie were talking about that experience and I guess Tammie said she noticed "something," too. 

So, I did what any negative fearing woman would do, I emailed Tammie to see what was happening. For me, it's about finding out if there is a way to break our bad luck streak, because lately if we don't have bad luck...  Well, you know the saying...

So... guess who's coming to visit this weekend? Yep - Tammie. The team isn't coming, but hopefully - we can get to the bottom of some of this negative energy floating around our lives and move past it. 

Maybe there is something here. Maybe it's just the change in dynamic that I need. I don't know, but I'm excited to keep everyone posted - my few readers - which, by the way, I appreciate!

Stay tuned. I'll post something Sunday when I know more. Feeling nervous, but excited for sure!

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