Sunday, August 31, 2014

Was it All the One Bad Entity?

I have been so negligent in posting lately and I'm so sorry! I've been busy, which is an amazing turn of luck - and I believe it happened because of the cleansing. I believe that the demon - yes, I'll say it now. I'll call it what it was - the demon- was blocking our best efforts.

So, now that I've got this beautiful new stroke of luck - and lots of work - I'm still doing my thing, but I'm also going to do work. Anyway, so that was your first sidebar of the night :) I'm sure I'll have plenty more for you.

So let's get a little creepy...  I've been thinking about the demon. Okay, so first of all, IT was never a she. IT didn't know what it was like to be a SHE. However, IT was nasty - and since this is a family program, all I will say is that it had it's ways with my husband (which really scares him, so he doesn't like to talk about it). The only thing is that it wasn't like the poor guy knew - I mean the THING liked to pretend it was me.

I'm telling you, there is nothing like realizing that there is a ghost (when I thought it was a ghost) that has a thing for your husband. I remember telling people - like how do I even fight that? 

I found this one on Pinterest, and it comes from - look closely! Kind of creepy right?

The true danger of a demonic haunting

Okay, so when it comes to a demonic haunting there are some things that people don't realize. For starters, it never, ever can be destroyed. They don't just go away either. They find a target and they work to destroy it from the inside out. In my case, it wanted everything that I had. So, I'm not really sure if it wanted to destroy me, or if it felt that I was the "center" of the wheel that is our determined, crazy family.

I used to say things like, "It's so stupid to be a demon, like what's the purpose?" Yeah. If you will forgive the saying - I was talking out of my butt. The thing is that so many people don't understand is that it's really dangerous to have a demonic haunting because you are not in control of anything.

Take the way that the thing that was in our house had me so snowed. I really thought that whatever was in our house was good! I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again: when it wants to interact, chances are - it is not good. At all.

On the show, "A Haunting," they call demonic hauntings Supernatural. So, it's never been human, which is paranormal. 

The thing is that it's really dangerous to have a Supernatural haunting, because it can do things that ghosts can't. It can cloud your mind so you're not thinking clearly. It can eat your soul, and I mean that literally. 

Whatever was in our home wanted to destroy us. It was causing terrible anger between all of us. It would cause tremendous fights between my husband and myself. The house would feel clammy and heavy. Of course, we've had some pretty serious goings on with my oldest daughter and many would explain the situation away with these issues, but it was something more.

I have read stories of how a supernatural haunting can cause people to kill themselves and others. I don't know for sure, but when you take an otherwise optimistic person and they begin to feel despair, there is something wrong. 

When it started trying to communicate

Okay, so now I know I talked about how the "Lady in White" manifested in front of me and others could see it. I'm not sure if there were others in our home that were paranormal - Tammie says yes, but that they were mostly children - but there would be things that would happen, and it wasn't always at night.

They call this a Shadow Man, and it creeps me out like no other. Found on Pinterest - from
I know that I saw something - during the day - in my kitchen. It looked like a tall, thin man dressed in black. The thing was that it was so fast and out of the corner of my eye that I didn't get the chance to really have a good look at it. The weirdest thing was that there were never any faces. By now, I had come to the point that I could see things, hear things and even feel things without batting an eye. Most of the time I would just tell it to go away and keep going on with my business.

But when it started to try to communicate, it was really kind of funny. We have a giant room upstairs. It serves as the multi purpose room - you know, guest suite; workout space; gaming space and huge toy room for my youngest daughter. She had this green talking garbage truck. I was doing yoga one morning - my feet were planted, it was quiet. I'm going to qualify that there were no vibrations and I did not move at all. When I bent down into a Downward Dog, the talking green garbage truck said, "Well excuuuse me!" I'm sure under any other circumstances it would have been funny - the cartoon like child's toy responding to my attempts at grace would ordinarily be enough to make anyone laugh.

I would like to say that I didn't get scared, but I admit my heart beat a little faster. I got a little breathless, which - yes - I was doing yoga, but Downward Dog's never do that to me. So, I looked around to make sure that nothing had moved the talking truck, and I promptly rolled my mat and headed downstairs.

The talking garbage truck wasn't done with us, though, because a couple of days later, Colleen - my youngest - and I were sitting still upstairs on the couch. My husband had come upstairs and settled in the chair in front of the computer desk. About (I'm sorry honey, but it has to be told!) five minutes later - we were all settled; no walking or stomping - when Henry let out a great big loud fart. My daughter and I sat there - you know like people do when that kind of thing happens - stunned. Not a minute later, the truck says, "Pee-eiw! What stinks?!"

We really thought that we had a jokester on our hands. We thought it was harmless and funny. Now I know we were wrong, and that at the time, this is what our Supernatural being wanted us to believe, but part of me wishes it was just a funny ghost. 

I almost wish that we did have a friendly, Casper-type ghost. I wish it had been something harmless, because I know that we continue fighting the evil that was in our home. I know that while it is no longer allowed in our house, it is still on our property.

I believe there is something on our property that should never be challenged, talked to or invited into a person's life. My neighbor believes it - but I'm going to talk about her experience with the "Lady in White" the next time I write.

To those who have been reading - and dare I hope anticipating :) - I promise I will make more of an effort to get it out sooner. If I have typos and it's annoying, I'm sorry. I'm tired and when I re-read this in the morning I'm sure that I will be annoyed, but for tonight why not consider this my raw retelling of a very scary part of my life?

Thank you so much to all for reading - I'll post more soon!

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