Monday, August 18, 2014

Evil Intent - Evil Entity

I've been busy, and since the ghosts have been relatively quiet for a while, I haven't really talked much about them. My last post talked about how our wonderful Empath friend (I call her a friend - I hope she would say the same!) was coming to visit last Saturday. Unfortunately, she was not able to make it then, but she was able to come on Saturday night.

I talked about the "Woman in white," in our home a little bit during the last post, and worried that she might actually be having a negative influence on our lives. When I emailed Tammie about it, she felt that she needed to come see us. I am so glad she did, because without getting too into detail, let me just say that my greatest fears were confirmed. 

I am going to write an entire post on the "Woman in white" - and the rest of our spirits, but the long and the short of it is that last night we did a cleansing on our home. Our "Lady in White" turned out not to be a lady at all.

It turned out to be a demon - oh I know skeptics!!! - who wanted to take everything from me. I'm not sure why it focused on me. I'm not sure why - it's not like I am spectacular - but it was following me. Emanating me. Trying to become me. It wanted my family, my home and my life. It was jealous.

Without a doubt - this needed to be cleansed. It was a negative energy that needed to leave. Like I said - I'm going to describe the whole night in another post, but I will tell you that things got pretty creepy when we were in our bedroom talking to Tammie and her husband. Something liked to hide in our closet - and our bathroom, and Tammie was doing what she does - zoning in on the spiritual world - when I told her of a dream I had a few years ago. It terrified me, but I don't talk about it much.

In the dream I was being chased by what looked on the outside like a black cloud. I knew it was a demon and I ran until I couldn't - and finally I dropped into a ball and screamed, "You can't have me!" And I began to pray - then it evaporated. Just - poof. 

I woke up from that one gasping. You know the kind of fear that you simply cannot escape from? The kind of dream that you tell yourself was just a dream, but there is something sickeningly real about it? Yeah, that's how this was. It was a dream - I thought - but the reality of it has clung to me like a sticky tar. It clings to my memory even now.
This is what a lit up EMF detector looks like. Phones and electrical devices can set them off, which is why good investigators get a solid baseline measurement before and during investigations.

I told Tammie about it, because it had just occurred to me. As I did, the K2 meter (I'm pretty sure that's what it is... It's the machine with the lights. It measures EMF - Electro Magnetic fields), lit up bright. Lights all the way to the red zone. As it happened, my head began to throb, my chest compressed and it was hard to catch my breath. 

I felt as if I was vibrating from within. Goosebumps rose on my skin and tears sprang to my eyes. In that moment I knew in the deepest recesses of my soul what we had been dealing with all this time. My suspicions were confirmed when just a heartbeat later Tammie exclaimed, "Ah! Now we know!" 

She said, "We know what you are and we're not afraid of you! You won't be here for long!" Insanely, she reminded me of a Crusader - one of God's chosen - ready to ride into the battle against good and evil. Maybe she is, I know she was brought to us for a reason - one that I am grateful for.

I know that the description sounds dramatic, but that's how it felt. One thing I have learned when dealing with the spirit world is that nothing is clear cut. Nothing matters as much as the spirit world, either. It's like - discovering what was going on suddenly caused everything else in my world to shrink and melt away. All of our other problems were completely insignificant - when I realized what was happening to us.

That part that you see in ghost shows is completely true. When darkness descends on your family - your world; all else ceases to matter because chances are a lot of it is a symptom of the ugliness that resides within your home.

For now, I will simply say that our house is now clean. Nothing - no spirits at all are here anymore and they will never be welcome here again. Because I was naive and wanted to believe that only good would surround me - I let something terrible in once - and I will never do it again.

I can't wait to tell more about it, and I know that this blog seems to jump around a lot, but it's how things happen - it's the importance of things. Thank you to anyone and everyone that has stopped by. I know it's just a few - but I appreciate it more than you know!

More soon...

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