Monday, August 11, 2014

No Answers Yet...

So, in my last post, I talked about the possibility of something negative in our home. Something that maybe isn't quite bad, but that isn't exactly bringing good positive energy into our lives. It really worries me. 

Look at it this way - it's like when you're cursed. So, you don't think about it most of the time - until it seems like you might be cursed. Maybe you stub your toe. Then later that day you trip and fall, then you get stuck in a traffic jam and are late for that big meeting. Well, with the run in your stockings, the bleeding knee and the broken heel you're sporting - it's already been a pretty horrible day. Losing that big account just sealed the deal.

Not mine - but I think I need to start taking more pictures of my house!
It's life, right? Sure one day of bad luck is just a day, but what if the only thing you had was bad luck followed by nothing at all - followed by bad luck? Would you begin to question what was happening to you?

Maybe not, but what would you do?

Maybe we aren't cursed, and it's likely that there is nothing blatantly evil in our home, but it feels like there is something negative. Now, as I've said a million times, we're into debunking things. Rational explanations take precedence in our home, so we've looked at things. We've considered situations and our reactions to them. We've taken a good look at things that have happened and examined the causes in an effort to prevent negative things from happening again.

We're aware that we might be grasping, but when people tell you that they can "feel" your negative energy when they walk into your house - there is something wrong. So, either we have to figure out how to cleanse it, or we need to cleanse ourselves. Either way, I thought that having Tammie (empath of the the Paranormal group) come visit was as good an idea as any.

She was supposed to come on Saturday. Things started to get a little weird on Wednesday. A new guy showed up outside. My husband saw him from the kitchen door. Our deck is raised and while the guy looked like a reflection, he was as tall as the deck. Plaid shirt - Henry said, dark hair. 

When he told me, the hair on my arms stood and shivers ran up and down my back. Something was definitely there, because even Henry was a little spooked. The crazy thing - even my dog saw it. He's just a year old, but he's a huge chicken, so when a low growl comes from him, you know that he's trying to do his job. 

The next night, one of the chairs on the deck had been turned so they sat close to the door facing the house - as if someone would sit down and stare in. The chair was close enough that getting out the back door in a hurry would have been a challenge. Strange? Yes? Wind storms? No. While there were dogs that came onto the deck earlier that evening, I was out there after and the chairs were not like that. Maybe someone else was out there, but only five of us live here - and the youngest can't even walk yet.

Nothing on Saturday

So, as I mentioned, Tammie was supposed to come on Saturday. Despite a day long argument between my husband and myself, we were getting ready for her to come. Cleaning the house, planning what to eat and just getting ready.

For my part, I was nervous. What if we discovered something we didn't like. Or, worse, what if we had something on our hands that a simple blessing wouldn't cure? What if we were just being crazy? There would go all of our credibility. 

About two hours before she was due to arrive, Tammie called. She had things with her mother - who is in an assisted living home, and really needed to take care of them. I understand. Parents are so important, so we rescheduled. Tammie is such a wonderful person that she thanked me! Keep in mind that she is helping me - not the other way around.

Not mine either, but another really creepy picture.
Could our property have held a house similar to this one at one time?

Things have been really calm. But - I haven't been sleeping well. I'm running on a few hours of sleep a night, but stress might be affecting things, too. I can always sleep so this is weird to me. Tossing and turning makes me feel so desperate and lonely, I don't know if I should go to bed earlier or stay up later. And when you're the only one awake late at night - and you know your house is haunted - you tend to just lay there with your eyes closed because you don't want to watch the shadows in your room turn into other things.

Luckily, I do finally fall asleep - but what happens then is a whole other story. For now, I leave you with this: even if it's not negative, a change of perspective and dynamic might be enough to change the vibe - and right now, I'll take it!

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