Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Intelligent Hauntings - Are they More than They Seem?

By now I've jumped all over the grid when it comes to my haunted house. You've read a lot of it, and it might seem kind of... What am I looking for? Banal? Maybe. A lot of it has been. You know, little things here and there, but for the past almost six years, there has been a general theme to our lives: bad luck, more bad luck, and more bad luck on top of it.

In fact, for most of the time we've lived here, we have had nothing but bad luck. Job loss, money issues, drug problems with a kid, flooding that resulting in reduced income... The list goes on and on.

Not mine, but so creepy close...
Courtesy of   via Pinterest

Now I know that a lot of our issues had to do with the way we reacted to situations, but sometimes it has felt as if something was literally blocking our prayers, our determination and our happiness. How can you be happy when you're constantly getting hit with one problem or another? How can anyone feel good about life when they can't afford to leave the house because they simply don't have the money for gas?

It's not that we're not hard working. It's not like we haven't been working. We have been - and hard, it just always seems a little too late. So... That brings us to our most recent discovery: the demon - yes demon - that was living in our house. 

Uuugh. I am really struggling with this. Lots of people might think, "Oh it's just bad luck. It happens. Get over it. Move on." Yeah, I get that. I've done the same. The thing is that my glass is always half full. I have been humbled to the point of being grateful for a little $50 gig - because, hey, it's money. Both my husband and I have tried to tackle our problems head on as much as possible and it's all come at a terrible price.

Things have been, as I said, for the most part pretty banal. You know, a little scary thing here, a little scary thing there... But over the course of the last year or so, things have gotten worse. Activity - wise. This is about the time my granddaughter was born. After about three weeks, the baby was placed with us until she was five months old. It was an extremely stressful time in our lives. I couldn't work - I was caring for a tiny baby, and the entire situation took it's toll on me. On us. On our family.

This comes from a real ghost story site via pinterest
I'm pretty strong - emotionally, and in many ways I have held the rest of my family up through other crises. It's just the way I am. Not that others are weak, just that I'm a little more... elastic. In the last year, I could feel my resolve slipping. It felt like there was just nothing good in my life anymore. Oh, sure, the people I loved without hesitation, but the rest was just so - hard. I could not understand it.

Things were happening in the house, too. I found my tiny granddaughter turned completely around in her crib. She was four weeks old. She didn't do that yet. We started seeing more, hearing more and experiencing more. I thought it was just the spirits feeling happy for the presence of the baby. Oh - let me tell you, they were happy alright.

Around this time, the bruising started, but I didn't think too much of it. I was exhausted, not working out regularly, and probably getting clumsy. I didn't sleep well, either. I would wake up feeling as if I hadn't even slept and my husband would tell me of how I would sit up, toss my legs over the edge and have a chat with someone at the end of the bed.

I'm just going to say that these things really scared me. It was always cold, like really cold in our bedroom. By our closet. I started leaving the closet door open because I got tired of waking at three in the morning to see the door opening. 

Night shadows would grow long and strange on the walls and ceiling, so I stopped opening my eyes at night if I could help it. More than once I felt them coming at me - slowly, wanting to overcome me. For a while I could tell them to knock it off - I didn't like it, and it would work, then it stopped.

I'm telling you - you might think I'm nuts but I honestly think I had started living in a state of hyper alert, constant anxiety and I didn't even know it. I was scared - and, although my house has been cleansed and I am beginning to relax, I still am scared. I'm scared that I'll forget to say my prayers and it will come back. I'm scared that I won't have enough faith and it will come back.

This is a long story, so I'm going to leave you with this today, and tomorrow - if anyone is reading this - I promise I'll finish it. But, I want to share with you something I read today while doing research: Intelligent hauntings are very rare - and demons are extremely rare. So, that leads me to believe that if you have a "ghost" trying to interact with you, it might be more than it seems. 

To me, even if it's not, I'm not so sure that I want to risk it, but we all make our own choices.

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