Sunday, August 24, 2014

The "Lady in White"

Hi all - 

I promised I would write more about the lady in white - and the cleansing of our home, so here we go. I'm going to try to stay organized and give you this one from the beginning. Let's see how it works:

When it all started with her - IT

Now, I've mentioned what the "Lady in White" turned out to be. Most of the time lately I try not to think about it. Like I've said before - it is so, so scary. But, this particular entity had been around for more than a few years. It started after we had been living here for about two years.

One night, Henry came to bed late. I'm a big wimpo, so I'd been sleeping for at least two hours. The light on his side of the bed was on, but I distinctly remember hearing him walk into our room and get ready to go to bed. I opened my eyes and noticed a woman close to him. It was like...  Like if you're a couple, standing close. They weren't touching, but they were close. 

Not my "lady" not my hallway, but this is how it looked on that very creepy night!
You know how you see something for only a couple seconds but you gain such an insight into the situation? This was clear. This was not a dream. This was like...  Awake. The woman had a pleasant face. I think she was pretty, but I don't remember the details of her face. Just that she was pleasant. She was wearing a white dress - like a flowy nightgown. Think summer here, though. It wasn't flannel. It was soft and thin. Her hair was pretty I think. Long and dark blonde maybe.

I know she looked at me, and I wasn't alarmed. I looked Henry and said, "Who's that woman?"

You can imagine how freaked out he was. He looked from side to side and said, "What woman? Where?" If I'm not mistaken, I actually saw him jump.

"She's right next to you. Who is she?" I said. 

"Honey," he said gently - I remember distinctly, because he always can hone in on my fear - it's a gift he seems to have, "There is no woman with me."

I remember being soothed by this, but since I didn't feel very distressed to begin with, I remember that it was very easy to fall back asleep. My poor husband, though - was left awake all night wondering what I had experienced.

I teased him about her for a long time, in fact, I remember joking with friends. After all, how does a woman compete with a ghost that has a thing for her husband? I should mention that my language was a bit more colorful, but this is a family channel! I do remember that for a while I did almost feel threatened by this presence, and wasn't sure what to do about it.

Over time, thankfully, that feeling faded. Henry's pretty sweet and innocent, so I don't think anything of the indecent sort happened - he probably would have felt guilty! But sometimes, you just don't know.

I would like to say that this was the end of IT - but of course, as our luck had been running - the only thing interested in us was something negative. The next time I heard mention of this "Lady in White," I was scrubbing the house. It must have been four years ago now - because I haven't scrubbed the house since! 

Maybe it was three years ago. Here's a sidebar, but an important one... I think it was four years ago on Valentine's Day, the guy who lived at the end of the cul-de-sac (I swear I looked this up!!!) was murdered. My next door neighbor is the only thing that separates us from that house. My bedroom is at the back of the house and I sleep like a log, so imagine my surprise - and anxiety - when I wake up to find no less than seven cop cars on our little street with blue lights swirling. Turns out that the man at the end had been murdered - the girlfriend was suspect. I'm not completely sure how, but I know he wasn't shot - so in my opinion, that makes the situation even more gruesome.

Now, the reason I explain this is because about a year after all that, two women - sisters - moved into the house.I don't know how it is that I run into so many people that can see, feel and even interact with spirits, but it seems to be my life. You would think that I'm living in a fantasy or horror novel. Sometimes, I really feel like it.

Anyway, so I'm happily scrubbing the house. I knew one of the ladies enough to say hi and chat a little, so when she pulled her car into the drive, I stepped down off the ladder to give her a couple minutes. I'm a nice person - shoot me.

The reason for her stop eludes me now. It was something - oh, blah, blah. But I distinctly remember her saying that "whatever was in my house didn't like" her. She went on to say that, "it would ruin my life and come between my relationships." Then, she specifically said that my "woman in white" didn't like her. I said that I didn't think it was all that bad, and she told me to be very careful.

I remember screwing up my face (I'm VERY expressive), and scratching my head. Try to pretend as I might, those words kept echoing in my head. 

It wasn't done there, though

While I didn't often see the "Lady in White," there was one time that I was sitting in the living room working and I saw her materialize as she was coming down the hallway. Once at the end, she cocked a hip and leaned on the wall to look at me. I couldn't look straight at the entity and see it, but I could see it very clearly from the corner of my eye. 

Oh, you probably know how it goes...  The hairs on the back of my neck, my arms and legs stood up. My brain started to tingle. That's the only way I can describe it was that my brain was tingling. I have this weird reaction of tears coming into my eyes, and I breathe almost like when you hyperventilate because you've been crying too hard. Well, that was happening.

Finally, I set my laptop down on the ottoman and said, "You're not scaring me. But I need to go outside for a minute." See, that's the thing - I didn't realize it at the time, but the thing was challenging me. By this time, the "Lady in White" actually had started looking like me. If you think that you've been creeped out in the past, try seeing a ghost that looks like you. The first thing that popped into my overactive mind was Doppelganger. Great, I thought - just what I need.

I went outside, took a few deep breaths, centered myself and came back in to an empty room. 

As I've said - I think it's unusual how many people I encounter that can see, feel and even communicate with spirits. There is no doubt that I'm always a little skeptical, but when they are all telling you that a "Lady in White," hangs close to you and seems to follow you, you can't help but wonder, right?

1598 - Thyraeus, Petrus. The author concluded that phenomena associated with hauntings are hallucinations caused by demons or spirits. This work inquires into the nature of demonic possession, its signs, how it occurs, whether witches, magicians, diviners, or heretics are possessed (usually not) whether the Church should be sought to exorcise them (he believed not).  ~ Thanks to Geisterportal on Pinterest

Lately, I've been wondering how it is that I could have thought that it was good - this thing? I often wonder how it is possible that I believe that under everything there is good. I beat myself up wondering how in the world a demon could ever be good. See, but that's the thing: it can't. Evil like this is something that you cannot love away. You cannot be stronger than it, either, because if it is constantly around you, it will break you down.

In my case, it's not that I wanted it here. I truly and honestly did not know. I thought my faith; my prayers protected us - and they did. They kept me from being possessed. But they did not keep the bad things away, because there was bad surrounding us; eating at our souls. 

There is more about this terrible entity for sure, and lots more things that happened, which I will hopefully tell tomorrow - so, I hope you check back. 

I'm probably more than a little crazy. But I have no doubt that this happened to us. It could happen again - and it can happen to anyone. So, I'll tell you more soon.

Thank you everyone for reading. :) 

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