Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How A Supernatural Haunting has Changed Me - And My Outlook on Life

Hi all - 

I'm going to be a little boring for this post, but I feel like it's really necessary because all the spooky stuff is a part of my haunting, but there is more to it than all that. See, having a supernatural haunting changes you on some very basic - almost primal level. It takes everything you ever thought was important and kind of flips it the cosmic middle finger. It leaves you thinking you see things in every corner everywhere. Every weird sound is suspect, and taking in the soothing peace of our home is really almost a challenge now.

I'm Irish, so this appeals to me. This was found on via Pinterest
I have had people say "why don't you just move? Um... Well - I don't know about you, but I don't just have an extra $200 thousand lying around to go buy a new house. And then - we run the risk of being followed. Yeah, I'd rather skip the packing and keep battling this thing on familiar territory.

So, here's the thing that they don't tell you on Ghost Shows. For starters, you're not done. You're never done. Like a vampire, you can allow it to come back into your house and sometimes all you have to say is, "Come in." Are you serious? So it's like a vampire. This scares me. Like really scares me. 

You're not supposed to talk about it, unless it's in the past tense. Okay, well I've got that down, so that's good. Now, I'm in the Bible Belt, so things might be a little bit stricter here than anywhere else but let's be real folks: Tennessee is said to be one of the most haunted hotbeds in the country. I'm wishing someone would have mentioned this to me before we moved here! But, it is what it is. We're here and we love it - so here we go.

Okay, here's a confession: I am a scary movie freak. I don't like murder movies, but I love, love, love paranormal stuff. I am a self-confessed junkie. I was breaking molars on steak on a tv tray and Creature Feature on the tube. It's just such a huge part of my life. I'm not going to give that up - even if it means that I have to retreat to my space and quietly do my meditation prayer when I'm done. 

In a sense I get a little irked that something like this could take away something I love so much - so in true stubborn Melissa fashion (you think I'm bad - you should see my mom - she digs her heels in and won't budge!), I'm out to prove that I can still enjoy my scary shows and movies and keep a spiritually clean, healthy house.

I've become extremely spiritual. Now, I've always had a strong faith in God - and while I don't want to bring religion into it; I consider myself Christian, but I believe that this can happen to anyone. Here's what it boils down to - I think - it's faith. Unadulterated, unquestioning, unfaltering faith. You have to have faith in your God. You have to get comfortable talking to your God - and you MUST believe that your prayers are answered.

This came from via Pinterest. Soooo cute!
I've always prayed, and always believed, but for a long time - thanks to Mr. Jerko you-know-who - my prayers were being blocked. Now, when I meditate, I pray that God keeps all evil out of our home. I ask that every corner of the house be protected, from the beams of the roof to the blocks of the foundation and all the plumbing and wiring in between. I ask that no corner be left unlit by God's loving light - and I ask that no evil ever be allowed to enter our home. 

I do this - as I'm meditating - almost daily. It really only takes me about 10 minutes, but to me it is more essential than showering these days, because it's helping.

What's really crazy is that mixed into all this fear and new respect is a genuine happiness and contentment. Amazingly, things are truly getting better. Like better than they have been in such a long time and I am so painfully grateful for that.

However, all things come at a cost - and for us, my oldest daughter has begun to spend less and less time at home - but I'll talk about that in my next post, because I believe it directly connects to all of this other stuff. I don't want to make her out to be a bad person, but I believe there is something that has control over her. But, like I said, I will talk about it in another post.

Still, despite my oldest daughter's absence, I can't help but wake up each day feeling really blissfully happy. Same house, different energy and a whole new outlook on life, what's important and my inner strength. 

I should mention right now that my husband and I don't fight like we used to. The little arguments don't matter anymore. We talk a lot about what was - and we're becoming very familiar with the signs and feelings that signal the need to do another blessing and anointing, and we're very diligent with it.

Sometimes I feel guilty. Like a kid who has made her parents mad and is trying to make amends. So, I check in daily - several times a day, actually.

I feel like I'm rambling now. But I want to tell everyone that it CAN happen. You're NOT safe from it; because if you have chinks (and we all do) in your armor, you are at risk. I feel like some areas are a bit riskier. Our property kind of sits in an area with lots of Civil War battles, the Trail of Tears ran through here somewhere, and with all the slaves in our area it's really no wonder that all this negativity floats around. 

I've also been told that our particular little part of the world, or more specifically our part of the County, is actually full of negativity. Of course, I forgot to mention that we live near the dump, and everyone knows how many dead bodies hang out in dumps, right? Hate the dump - but I'm thinking that if the place ever closes our property values will skyrocket. Plus, it's been keeping us safe from tornadoes. Can't complain right? Good thing is it doesn't stink all the time. They've actually gotten pretty good about venting and maintaining it. Someday I'm sure it will explode and rain garbage all over, but until then it's just another mountain that occasionally passes some pretty bad gas...

I have seriously digressed, and I'm sorry I didn't thrill you with scary stories this time, but I will next time I promise. In the mean time, thank you so much for reading. Live well, love lots and never forget to be grateful for all that you have.

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