Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Night I Tried to "Talk" to the "Woman in White"

So, I know that I've mentioned the notorious "Woman in White" that our house was haunted with. She had a thing for my husband, and wanted my life... Horrible you-know-what.. Turned out to be a demon. Uuugh. Who would have thought?
Not mine - but this one is courtesy of

However, before I knew that, I knew that she wanted to be "friends." I knew that she followed me a lot and I thought she was protective of me. It was probably scary to most people, but to me - I don't know - it was... flattering I guess.

My neighbor can sometimes see ghosts. As I've said, for some reason I manage to surround myself with people that can see, hear and feel the spirit world. So, when my neighbor - and her sister - told me they could see her, I was a tad bit like, huh? But I chose to believe. They said they could see her hanging back by the tree in my front yard while I stood in my neighbor's yard.

I got to the point where I always just - you know - KNEW she was there. Even in the bathroom, and you want to talk about embarrassing at first? Yeah, try standing there in your birthday suit while some creepy woman hangs out and watches you. It made it even worst because I couldn't see her - unless she wanted me to. And trust me, she did sometimes.

In fact, one night I was looking things up - laptop on my lap, checking into some supernatural stuff. It was research - fascinating research, mind you. But still, it was research.  

This is creepy - found it on Pinterest
As a sidebar, I feel like some people, despite the dangers, simply are dawn to the paranormal - and even - the supernatural. Scary things are fascinating to them and - while they don't want to be bogged down by the negative - the supernatural is something that they will simply always be drawn to. Look at your paranormal investigators: they bring stuff home with them all the time, but it doesn't keep them from doing what they do. 

Okay, back to the story - so I'm doing this research, and I noticed from the corner of my eye, The "Woman in White" seemed to materialize as she came down the hallway. If you don't know the reaction, then you really should have a paranormal encounter at least once in your life. The hairs on your arms stand up so high that you can watch the transition. The back of your neck tingles and you feel as if an icy hand has just stroked your back.

So, here I was - playing it cool - and here she was, at the end of the hallway, no more than 10 feet away from me, leaning casually - daring me to see her. In hindsight, she was telling me to look at her - to see her. "I am here," she seemed to say.

I kept pretending I didn't see her until I couldn't anymore and I got up and said, "Alright, you're not scaring me, but I need to go outside for a minute." With that, I went out into the cold night to regroup.

When I came back in, I could no longer see her, but I could feel her.

A few months later, when it was warmer out, my neighbor and I were sitting outside. She says she can see things, like I told you - and, while sometimes I wonder (some of the motivation might be a smidge bit off there, but she is my friend - and I choose to believe her), I know that I've said a thousand times that somehow I find myself surrounded by sensitive people. So, we were sitting out on my deck enjoying the night when she said she saw the "Woman in White" walking in our yard. She was approaching where we were sitting, she said and she seemed sad.

So, my multi-talented neighbor started talking to this phantom that I could not see. She was telling us that "the woman" as I will begin calling her, because I'm afraid that naming her too much might call it back, was sad. She was trying to say that she just wanted to be our friends and that she only wanted to be a part of our lives.

Okay, now here's another sidebar... Anyone that follows this knows that I live in the Bible Belt of America. I'm in Tennessee - which ironically is also said to be one of the most spiritually active states in the country - and almost everyone down here is extremely religious. I'm not - I am spiritual - but we will talk about that in another post. My neighbor, however is extremely religious. She doesn't go to church every Sunday, but she has a bible verse for every situation. Now, I'm not making fun, but with some you really begin to wonder how much is healthy. I love her, she is wonderful, but we're pushing that envelope.

Anyway, so as my neighbor sits and talks to "the woman," and cries and describes her, we have this extremely strange experience. 

Yeah, this is a rule to live by I think... Thanks Pinterest
If you get involved in the paranormal - if you discover that you have ghosts or an intelligent haunting of any kind in your home, it is easy to become completely absorbed in it. You might start seeking information about your home, about its history, and you may discover that everyday life seems to lose importance. Don't let this happen - PLEASE don't let it happen.

Okay, so we ended the evening. We were interested for sure, and agreed to talk about it later on another day. I, however, had resolved that I was going to try to talk to her on my own. I knew that I could and I didn't need anyone to do any talking for me, so I determined that I would turn on my own psychic powers.

I was scared. In fact, I believe that this is part of the reason that I have never tried harder to communicate with things. I can feel them; my husband can see them and my daughter sees them and they "talk" to her. I used to always feel my brain tingling when they would try to communicate with me. I know they were trying to communicate - but somehow I have protective walls that do not let them in. It's letting them down that is the challenge, and not one I'm ready to take on.

Anyway, so it took me a long while to get ready to talk. I did my normal going to bed routine. My husband was working nights, so once again it was my youngest who was in bed, my old girl Bailey (who is no longer on this Earth) and myself. I tried to relax myself enough to communicate and made a big deal out of telling "the woman" that I was getting ready.

I sat in my bed, covered my lap with the warm covers, closed my eyes and began to meditate. In my mind's eye, I could see my bedroom doorway, where my dog was laying in relation to it, my furniture, my open closet door. I began to invite this spirit that seemed so bent on becoming friends to chat with me. I know if I had opened my eyes I would have seen nothing but in my mind, I could see a shimmering in my doorway. I knew without a doubt that I would soon be visited because my body began to react as it usually does when there is a presence.

Without warning, my Bailey - my protector began to bark. My eyes snapped open, and only one thing crossed from my mind. It was a whisper - not from me - it said, "Bailey won't let me."

Henry used to tell me that he thought Bailey was my familiar. I believed it was true. I believe that is the reason why everyone needs a pet, and I know that is part of the reason that I got another Border Collie not quite a year after I lost my beloved Bailey. Because I felt that my soul was vulnerable and needed to be protected.

Bailey's barking was confirmation enough for me that I didn't need to do any more communicating with this supposed lady who everyone saw. To me, she would remain someone that I didn't trust enough to talk to. 

I later found out that while I was being told by my dog not to attempt communication, my neighbor was battling something very evil and ugly in her home. She told me of it, but vowed never to speak of it again, and as far as I know, she hasn't.

Looking back, I realize that this was my first warning about this presence that we all felt and most of us saw. The warnings weren't enough for me, at that time. Now, I have been more than warned. 

Nothing at all, evil or otherwise is allowed in my home anymore. I'm putting this for my own benefit - because I am still nervous of the potential - but I know that I am simply not wise enough to know the difference between harmless spirits and something much more malevolent, and I put my family at risk once by believing the good. I will not - cannot do that again...

So - it's late. Thank you everyone for reading. Next time, I'll talk about one of my other super scary situations... There are a few. 

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