Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Some of the Scariest Moments We've Had

So, I've talked a lot about how a demonic haunting has affected me and my family, but I haven't talked so much about some of our scariest moments in this house. Sometimes, I forget that we didn't always think that we had something evil. In fact, for a long time I thought of our resident ghost as just that, a ghost. Well, okay - maybe a FEW ghosts.Since we did have ghosts of children, I wasn't totally wrong, but anyway... There were times when life got a little bit scary in the house - and guess what folks - it wasn't just at night.
So, here's a creepy. This is a lot how I used to feel. Like it was RIGHT THERE
all the time! This came off of Pinterest, so thank you to the owner!

The flood experience

Okay, so - here's one for you... I was in the garage one evening getting something. The hot water heaters are out there. It was during the 2010 floods, so it was raining like crazy. Water was coming up all around the house, but fortunately, we're elevated enough that water didn't get in the house or the garage. 

While it was doing this outside and flooding the
yard, something was building up energy inside for
the upcoming events...
So, I'm out there, hearing the rain, and not really thinking anything. Until the hot water heater gurgles and says, "Watch this." It was a man's whisper. Now, not to be weird, but I've heard enough men whisper, both theatrically and naturally. THIS was a man. I looked around, because of course I thought it was Henry. Like why would it not be? Maybe he morphed through the door without me hearing it right? Okay, but anyway, when this stuff happens, you naturally look for rational explanations to things you cannot explain.

Now, I know it was raining and maybe it wouldn't have been a big deal. Actually, when I realized it was - well - weird, I was like, "Oh no - not now." Nothing more and I thought it was just a fluke. Although I've never really been one to challenge what I cannot see, and wasn't about to say anything to whatever was hanging out in my hot water heater. For a fleeting moment, I actually had a horror flick playing through my mind. You know - like in the shower and the water turns scalding hot. So, no - I wasn't interested in issuing a challenge.

The day continued as usual. It kept raining. And raining. That evening I actually watched cars be carried off an overpass in Nashville by rising flood waters. I informed my husband that he wouldn't be going to work - made homemade soup for dinner. All in all, a pretty lame night, even though it was flooding.

We stayed up late, I remember that. And I remember that there were no feelings of weirdness...  Until about three in the morning. When my oldest daughter's smoke alarm went off in her room. It's hardwired, and scared us to death. Like fall out of bed, "OH MY GOD what IS that?!" kind of scared. We figured out what it was, and unplugged it. Hung it back up - we figured we would deal with it in the morning.

Right, so we go back to bed. Get cozy and start falling asleep again - and BAM! There it was again! Just like that - only this time, it wasn't the smoke alarm. The "ghost" had decided it would be fun to knock my sun and moon plaque off my kitchen wall. I loved that plaque and was really devastated that it fell. 

Okay, now I know you're probably thinking - but it was pouring outside - it had to have been SOMETHING. Yeah, I thought that too. I thought maybe something slammed, but no - nothing slammed. I thought well, maybe it was humid. It wasn't humid - any more than it had been in the past.

I knew - somehow I knew then that there was something that caused it, you know, that wasn't explainable. Or I should say explainable in most of the ways that one might choose to explain things just falling off your walls for no reason and a talking hot water tank.

Upstairs stomper

If only haunted life really unfolded like a horror movie. It's all compact that way, you know? You don't have time to relax or calm down in a movie. It's just one scary after the next, but that's not the way it really works. When you're really dealing with a haunting, it's like okay - a week, maybe a month of stuff and whew... Nothing. It's crazy because it's usually long enough to leave you wondering if you're crazy.

Um... Creepy, right? Anyway - this came from 
And, let me just say this - I have always said I know I'm crazy, it's just a matter of when I will have to be medicated. Actually, I count myself as blessed that I'm not, but I do regularly find myself wondering. Not to make fun of crazy people - let's just not get into it... (There I go - foot in mouth disease!)

Okay, after our screaming smoke alarm, talking hot water tank and plaque kicking wall incident, we were all pretty shaken up for a while. Every noise was suspect. If I would bend over to pick something up, work out, run a bath - I was sure that something was coming up behind me to shove me down. So, paranoid right? I tried to tell myself that. There is something so much more comforting about paranoia than knowing that there is something behind you that could hurt you.

So, there was something here - or I will say somethings - and a couple someones. Oh, we would hear little feet running upstairs in the middle of the night... In fact, I got to the point where I wouldn't actually get up at night. I wouldn't have anything to drink for at least an hour before bed because I was afraid that I would have to go to the bathroom or something and I would just rather not.

On the rare occasions when I did actually open my eyes during the darkest parts of the night, I would see my closet door or my bedroom door opening. Slowly, but fast enough that I could see the door moving. It was horrible and scary. Forcing yourself back to sleep with a racing heart is really, really hard. So, I guess some defense mechanism wouldn't let me wake up in the middle of the night...

Okay, so onto the stompers. This actually happened in the morning and frankly, it scared the hell out of me (Sorry dad, but it did...). It was during the week. My husband didn't have to be at work until 10 that morning, so he was sleeping. From the time I woke up that morning there was stomping. Like in big heavy boots stomping. Naturally, I thought that someone had for some ridiculous reason climbed a ladder and crept into a window overnight. 

The whole time I was getting my youngest ready for school. The whole time she was getting dressed and eating breakfast. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp stomp. I walked the dog - stomp, stomp, stomp. I even looked around outside the house to see if there was anything, but as you might have seen, we don't have trees that touch the roof. STOMP.

Finally, just as I was getting ready to leave to take Colleen to school, I woke Henry. My palms were sweating and I was about as close to a panic as I get. My knees were shaking and I was shivering - fear reaction. Anyway. Henry asked me if I looked up there - I was like are you nuts?! Haha. Looking back, I realize what a big wimpo I am, but still - it was scary.

So, my hero - once again, sorry dad - You're always first... Gets his gun (we do live in Tennessee) and heads upstairs. For my brave part, I haul Colleen off to school and pray that my husband doesn't encounter a big hairy man stomping around upstairs.

By the time I get home, he has investigated all upstairs and even in the attic and couldn't find a thing. He was just as baffled as I was, but - you know, life goes on. I almost sometimes would wish we could SEE something, so we at least KNEW what was going on. But nothing would show itself - to me, anyway.

So, those are two scary times. There are more - and we'll talk about them soon. Since the cleansing things have picked up for the positive with everything - and that includes work. So... My pleasure endeavor has had to slow down for a bit, but I promise I'll post more soon. 

As always, thank you for checking in! And listen, seriously, if you have a haunting, and IF it tries to communicate - just pretend you can't see it, hear it or feel it. The rest of your life will thank you.

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