Sunday, August 16, 2015

Unanswered Questions About My Haunted House

Okay, so in an effort to stick with the theme of "baring it all" about my haunted house, I've decided that I'll answer some of the questions that lots of my friends have asked me. Even though I don't have questions from readers... Hahaha... I'm figuring that a lot of you are wondering the same thing: "What the hell happened for real?" Okay, so... Here goes, I'll try to answer in detail at least a few things my friends have been asking me...

- What's the deal with "The Lady in White?"
Okay, obviously not my lady, but creepy pictures are always cool...
Found this one on Google: here's the site...
Good question. Okay, this one was off the charts creepy to me, because at first, she really seemed legitimately friendly. I couldn't see her in the beginning, and had no idea what her deal was. I just felt her around all the time. As things began to get more intense, I think I almost was possessive of her, and her "desire to take care of" me. And to be my friend. She was anything but a friend.

People would tell me that they could see her, following me. She wore white. My friend was here one night and we were sitting outside talking and she could see the (here is where I'd like to use profanities to describe her, but I won't)... thing walking toward us in the yard. I have this fear reaction where I lose my breath, get goosebumps and shivers and my eyes tear up. In fact, I often cry. No - not like a baby, but tears leak from my eyes. Some say this is a reaction to spiritual energy. So, maybe it is. I can tell you that I am only affected that way when it comes to hauntings, demons and other supernatural stuff. At this time, I couldn't see her yet, but I could always feel her.

I also couldn't hear her talk to me. My friend can (lots of people can - you might be able to, too. We'll talk about that later...). So chick starts telling my friend that she just wants to be friends. She's lonely and sad and she only wants to be my friend. She's talking about details of how she died and almost crying because she feels alone. Of course, since I believe that there is good in even the darkest things, I wanted to believe what was being said. I got excited and tried to talk to the woman through my friend. I wanted her to try to talk to me, to connect with me. I wanted her to be part of my world. Oh my gosh was I stupid! But I am who I am, and I can't undo that.

This isn't mine, either, but the concept is really similar...
This one came from...
She took a name, which strangely, has been totally erased from my memory. No matter how hard I try, I cannot even come close to remembering what it was! I think it's God's way of protecting me, and I'm grateful for that. Because the truth is that I am really scared of it - and what it turned out to be.

Okay, so that night after my friend left (she told me she had an epic battle with something evil that night, and you know... I believe her), I decided that I would try to communicate with the Lady in White. I was thinking well, everyone else can, so I'm going to try it. So, I sat, almost meditated in my room. On my bed. I wanted to be comfortable - and warm - so I pulled the covers up over my legs, propped myself up on my pillows, closed my eyes and "talked." I asked it to come to me, to be near me. I asked it to talk to me. Keep in mind, I believed at the time that I was talking to a spirit of a woman who had passed and was lonely. I could visualize my doorway, and I knew that my dog - my beautiful, beloved Bailey - was sitting by that door. 

I started to see her form. She was wearing, like, a white, I want to say nightgown. It wasn't long, but it was soft. Here's a bit of extraneous personal information, but you need it... I like nightgowns. I recognized this one but didn't realize why until later. I have one just like it. That time, I couldn't see her face. It was mostly the nightgown. She started to get closer and I swear my brain was tingling. It was like spiritual fingers were coming closer to me... Creeping toward me, and in my mind I could see smoky tendril reaching for me. I was scared but determined. 

She wasn't saying anything, but she was coming closer. Until suddenly Bailey popped her head up and barked. My eyes popped open and there I was sitting in my bed. She said in my head, "Bailey won't let me..." And then she was gone. But she wasn't gone. She was just - away. 

I'll dig deeper into it more, but let's get onto another question...

- You're crazy for living there, why don't you just move?
I personally love this one, because people don't believe that my haunted house is that bad because I don't move. My response is usually, "Really? Where?" If your house is just haunted, you can probably move and never experience it again. Also, if you have your home cleansed, and the spirits move on properly, you'll probably never hear from them again.

But, once you're tagged in a demon situation, you may always be tagged. You're vulnerable to it all the time. Moving won't help. If it noticed you and targeted you, you're always at risk. You can move to a brand new home on an island where nobody ever died, and you are still going to be targeted. Think grand opening lights. That's what you have in the spiritual world. So, even though we had an infestation, I was targeted. Not my husband or my daughters... ME.

The thing is, you can't just run away from this. So, you have no choice but to deal with it and be strong against it. You need to learn how to protect yourself from it and have the strength of faith and conviction to overcome it. In my case, it wanted what I had, and the only way to that was to work on me. Fortunately, I'm stubborn as anything and defiant. I also have an extremely strong faith. I don't go to church, but there is no question in my belief in God and Jesus. I believe this is what kept things from being worse.

Besides, if you had our run of luck, you wouldn't be moving either. You would simply be working on surviving. Moving just wasn't in the cards, I guess.

- What are you doing to protect yourself now?
This one is mostly for my parents and other close loved ones who don't fully understand, but believe me and have seen some things here. But, I believe it can also be helpful to others. 

Okay, this is just scary... I used to try not to open my eyes at night
because I was scared to see stuff like this!
Thanks to:
When we had our house cleansed, we said a prayer. We visualized what we wanted to see, as we prayed and we believed that it would come true. I regularly say the same prayer, plus others that have been given to me, to help keep the evil away. They give me strength, peace and a feeling of calm, so I practice them regularly. I have also been exploring things like talking to angels - which is really cool - and essential oils to help boost my positive feelings and well-being. 

I recognize that I struggle with anxiety, and that is a pathway that evil can use to get to me. So, I work to keep myself calm and accepting of all things. I meditate and work out. I also address my health naturally and work to maintain good overall health.

I also know the signs of spiritual oppression now. I look for them all the time and take a proactive approach to all things in my life so I can feel more in control. These are the areas where I was attacked, and where I will not allow myself to become vulnerable again.

I think we all love better. We're grateful for the peace in our lives, and we know that it can be broken. We try to recognize our negativity for what it is and eliminate it as quickly as possible. As a family, we try to offer each other more respect and understanding than before. We try to laugh more and do more fun things together.

Another very important thing I have done to protect against any type of evil was to bless and anoint the house. All doorways and windows have an anointed cross. The oil is old and dirty now, and it looks gross, but cleaning it off simply is not an option. It created a barrier and I broke one with frightening consequences. I will not do it again.

I think, most importantly, I am more humble than I used to be. I used to talk about how stupid it would be to be an evil entity. I used to say how there was no point and it would be lame. Now, I know better. I never, ever call anything out. I have faith that I am protected, but that protection can only go so far as I can work it. It's kind of like having a body guard but starting fights. You really want to make your protector's job comfortable, or else he might not want to do it anymore.

Okay, so this post is long... And I hope it's been helpful. I'm really enjoying getting more in depth, and will continue to do so. I feel like I'm jumping around a lot, but in a way, it's the only way to keep it going because it's on a memory by memory basis. But I will try to provide backlinks from now on, so you can keep going where you want to. 

Anyway, be well. Thank you for reading and love one another! 

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