Monday, October 26, 2015

How Does One Get Targeted by a Demon, Anyway?

Hi All~

Hopefully, everyone is getting ready for Halloween and enjoying life a little bit. A few crazy scary haunted houses might be in order, but if you've got your own haunted house, maybe it's not up your alley. I had a haunted house, and it did a fair share of scaring us, our family and our friends. So I mostly skip the made up stuff these days.

If you've read my other posts, you probably know that we suffered from a demon haunting in our house. Or, I guess maybe it was more of a demon infestation. So, this got me to thinking about how one actually gets targeted by a demon in the first place. Like, is it really something that just happens? Do they spot you coming and align the universe to wind up in their paths?

I don't really know how this works. I'm not completely sure, but I will tell you what I think happened in our case. 
This is Lorraine Warren - she's amazing! Here's the article.
Found on Pinterest, great read!

Before we even came here

Before we even came to our current home, I began doing research for a manuscript. I wanted to find all I could about demons. I wanted to know how to call them (I never did and never would, but the information itself was an integral part of the story), I wanted to know magic. I was searching for all of it. Not only did I search for it on my computer, I printed the stuff out.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Demon Face - The Things In My Haunted House that Scare Me the Most, Part 1

So, the other day, my Colleen asked me what was it about the house that used to scare me the most. Good question, especially since it seemed like we were always living in a state of heightened fear and awareness. So, I'm going to tell you the things that would bring tears of fear to my eyes, and make my heart pound straight out of my chest. 

Now, I really have to qualify all this, because I'm not a chicken. I don't freak out about the slightest thing. I watch the scariest movies without flinching, and ghost shows are a rainy afternoon - or sunny for that matter - past time. I eat this stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am not afraid of stuff.
What is this??? Scary! Found it on Pinterest, the site link is here

Friday, September 25, 2015

It Didn't Happen to Us Part 2... Our Demon Haunting Affected Our Loved Ones

I've been talking about all kinds of things in here lately, but I'm trying to stay organized and tell the story well... It's probably not working, but the thing is, all this stuff happened over the course of about five years. Five years of being scared. But, more than that, five years of problems that just seemed to come one after the other.

Okay, so we left off on the things that have happened to our guests. It's one thing when things happen to you all the time, you know because you live there. But, when your guests are afraid to ever sleep in your house because of the things that happen to them, it can get pretty depressing.

I got this pic off Pinterest, but the site is here.
Check out Paranormalistics. Super creepy!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that our daughters' friends didn't want to spend the night like most normal kids. We aren't weird, and we're not unfriendly. I did a lot to actually encourage people to stay. You know, great movies, great food... Fun things to do. But for a long time there, nobody wanted to spend the night.

How do you explain to your kids that since your house is haunted, nobody wants to spend the night because they're scared? It's not fair, and it did a lot to make the rest of us feel like we had some kind of gross house or cooties or something. It was depressing. Thinking about it now, I don't blame them for not wanting to stay. No matter how warm, how clean, how friendly or cozy we made our home, the demon haunting had a way of driving people away.

My youngest daughter's friends (I won't give them names)

So, one way that you can almost always tell that there is something going on in your house is to listen to children. Kids seem to see and hear things that adults can't. So, when my youngest daughter was able to sense a little girl and tell us her name, I gave it some serious credence. When her friends started telling me of people that they would hear or feel, I really paid attention.

Like the two times that little friends were playing over and they mentioned how they heard a little girl talk to them about their Barbie games. You know, how kids, especially girls, tend to gather around the Barbie house and pose them and make them talk? Well, one such time, the girls were happily playing upstairs with their Barbies and when they came down, my youngest and her friend told me of the little girl that was singing and "moving the dolls."

I tried to pretend that it was nothing, but by this point we all knew very well that there were others in our home. So, I tried not to scare the girls - it turns out that the little girl ghost was just that - a ghost. She just wanted to play and she really loved having the friends.

Okay, so this is a depression-era photo of life. It came from an
article in the Daily Mail, which is great, but do you see
what I see on the steps???
My Colleen has always been sensitive to the supernatural, as well as the feelings of others, so it wasn't surprising that she just let the girl ghost stay, but if her friends were around, she would try to encourage them to go away.

Another time, the little girl whispered in my daughter's friend's ear. I think it was something like I'm here, or right here, but I know that this girl and Colleen are still friends, but it took her a while to be comfortable spending time again.

My Mother-in-law

Okay, so if you're like me, you want to believe everything that your family tells you - even if it comes down to them having psychic powers. In my husband's case, I believe it's probably a little closer to true than what comes from others. His grandparents and mother came to the United States from Cuba when his mother was eight. It is said that his grandma was pretty psychic as a child, and it scared the old ladies in the family, so they put a binding spell on her abilities. I believe it.

My husband is much more sensitive to these things than he cares to admit. He sees things all the time, but he doesn't communicate with them. Actually, he tries to pretend he doesn't see them. So, it wasn't surprising that my mother-in-law experienced things.

While her story is long, and I will touch on it soon, I am going to say that she met, and interacted with "The Woman in White." She was convinced that this was a "Friendly" presence, and it even went so far as to gently wake her in the morning and give her some of the best sleep she's had in a long time.

Yep, it's pretty messed up, but that's what happens with a demonic haunting I guess.

Others would visit and feel like they weren't welcome or like they needed to leave quickly. Some would begin to feel sick when they came over, but most people didn't feel anything specific. Just, discomfort.

Anyway, be well until the next time. Don't let fear or negativity eat at you. If you feel that you have a haunting, don't try to engage it no matter how tempting it is. You never know when you're dealing with something truly evil.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Remember the Nightmare Before Christmas Ghost? I Think I Figured Out What He Is

Hi All~

So, fall is in the air (that's so cliche... ) and it seems like everyone is starting to turn their attention to Halloween and all the scariness that will ensue on this very special one. I can tell you that it's still hot here in Tennessee and crazy dry. Leaves are falling, but it's not because of cooler temperatures. However, I'm in the mood for some cooler temperatures and some ghosty-ghouls, myself.

So, remember my post about the Nightmare Before Christmas Ghost? What's his name? I forget, but I love the creepy of that movie. Anyway, so in my quest to explain that which I only sort of understand, I was watching another scary program. In this one (which I foolishly forgot to write down... Monsters and Mysteries in America, I think), the guy was looking for supernatural stuff. You know, big foot, mothman, and the rake.

Yes, the rake. Not the thing that you hate to use on your fallen leaves. This is almost like a Boogeyman. In fact, if you've heard anything about the Slender Man, you might be on the right track. But, I'm getting all ahead of myself. First of all, I believe that the Nightmare Before Christmas Ghost I had in my home was this rake thing.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Scariest Videos I've Seen

It Didn't Happen to Us... But it Happened to Our Guests. The Demon Haunting Affected our Loved Ones

So, today I want to talk about some of the really creepy stuff that has happened to our guests. I've been writing this and thinking, wow, that wasn't so scary. I mean, things happened kind of slowly, and while we did get pretty good at ignoring a lot of it, it was kind of a slow, steady scare. Like you're always in a heightened state of awareness. You just always know that there is something there, breathing down your neck, reading your thoughts and dreams. I guess it's a little like living in a fish bowl. Uncomfortable, but not something you can't get used to.

Okay, so I've felt this a million times... Photo link
Some of our guests, however, weren't so lucky to get out of the situation with a slow scare. Some of them were freaked out - big time.

Kaitlyn (I'm changing her name) and Fred (I know, that's lame too...)

So, my oldest daughter's friend and her ex-boyfriend decided to come to visit. They said it would be cool to see Nashville, and it would be fun to see my daughter. My husband and I are pretty strict about sleeping arrangements - yes we're old school - so Fred slept upstairs, and Kaitlyn slept in my oldest daughter's room.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

More About the Lady In White...

Yay! What is this, like four posts this month?! I'm on a roll, but there's a reason. It's because I'm finally free of the fear of all this scariness. Yeah, I know. I mean I'm still careful, don't get me wrong, but for the first time in a long time, I really feel protected and maybe I have a little extra sense of purpose.

So, I left off with unanswered questions. I know I talked about the night I tried to talk to "The Lady in White." Now, I know I change her name up, and there's a method to my madness, I promise. I don't want to give it a solid name. As I mentioned, I truly forgot the name that it chose to take, and I believe that's a form of protection for me. If you can't remember it, you can't call it, right? Anyway. I want to talk about the effect that it had on my life.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Unanswered Questions About My Haunted House

Okay, so in an effort to stick with the theme of "baring it all" about my haunted house, I've decided that I'll answer some of the questions that lots of my friends have asked me. Even though I don't have questions from readers... Hahaha... I'm figuring that a lot of you are wondering the same thing: "What the hell happened for real?" Okay, so... Here goes, I'll try to answer in detail at least a few things my friends have been asking me...

- What's the deal with "The Lady in White?"
Okay, obviously not my lady, but creepy pictures are always cool...
Found this one on Google: here's the site...
Good question. Okay, this one was off the charts creepy to me, because at first, she really seemed legitimately friendly. I couldn't see her in the beginning, and had no idea what her deal was. I just felt her around all the time. As things began to get more intense, I think I almost was possessive of her, and her "desire to take care of" me. And to be my friend. She was anything but a friend.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to Our Haunted House

Hey All ~

So, a great friend of mine read all my posts... She said she liked it (YAY!) But that she felt like she had been really left hanging... She said that she felt like I didn't get into detail like she knew I had really experienced. She is very, very right. I have been trying to protect myself from the potential danger of IT returning... See, once you're tagged by these things, you're tagged for life. It's like you have some invisible tattoo or something. Until now, I wasn't entirely sure that I was strong enough to fight a constant threat, but here's the thing... It's always here anyway.

I feel like people need to know that this is real, and lots of people need to know that they aren't crazy. You can debunk it if you're so inclined, and that's usually a pretty good way to know if what you're experiencing is from things like popping studs from temperature changes, furnace clanks or something more supernatural. I would recommend that anyone who is experiencing things try to debunk what they hear and see, but I also recommend that they NOT try to engage the activity.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Demons - What Makes them Tick

Hi All!

It's been a long, long time and I apologize. I kind of scared myself a little bit, I think. Had to regroup and take a step back for a while. Sometimes, things just get a little too scary for me. Plus, even I get lazy, and complacent and making sure to keep up with thinks like the cleansing prayers that keep my family and I safe sometimes slips my mind.

I know - crazy - right? Why would I let those things slip? Because I am human. And I get busy - and it has been a very happily busy summer. Spring was pretty awesome, too. But it's time to get back to this, because of a couple reasons: #1: I feel like we're getting closer to Halloween and this is a really dangerous time. If for no other reason than people want to get "Creepy" and they start trying things they shouldn't. #2: Because it's time to get back to sharing. If I do nothing else, it's really my goal to help others see that these things can happen and in the big scheme of things, this might be the most important thing in life, and how you choose to live yours.

So, let's get back at it: what makes demons tick? Now, I'm not an amazing Demonologist or anything. I can only do research. I think I might be developing some skills, but I'm not sure, and don't want to go around saying I am when I really don't know.

What I will tell you, without a doubt is that I can feel things and recognize when there is something around me. I think that's simply from experience. I spend a lot of time telling myself that there is nothing there, just because I won't ever give anything negative power over me again. Saying nothing is there when it is, gives me time to regroup and get to those cleansing prayers I mentioned.

Okay, so here's what I've gathered about demons:

  • There are a butt-ton of them around. They're all over and they come in levels - think power - so the higher the number of the demon, the more dangerous they are. I guess I think of the lower numbers as like baby-demons. Which is crazy. 
  • I don't know how they are made. And frankly, I don't want to know. You can give it any mythology you want, but why all the beauty and power in the universe would allow them to be made is beyond me, so I don't dare to ask.
  • They get into your thoughts. They can make you think you're crazy. You might be thinking something really amazing and beautiful, and they color it dark. They can affect your dreams, your mood and your life in every aspect. The kicker is that you don't even know WHY. Sucks.
  • These negative entities are all around all the time. The key is to not notice them or let them affect your life. This is the really hard part because stress can make us anxious and angry, and that's a doorway. 
  • They thrive on negativity. 
  • You're most likely to encounter the lower level ones, but they can make big problems in your life, too. 
  • Here's the kicker: they affect your free will. Most of the time, they don't really do anything except get in your head. When they start making you cranky, angry, depressed and in despair, you're going to start reflecting that and expecting nothing but that. It's a cycle. The more negative you feel, the more negatively you respond to every situation. The more negatively you respond, the more you expect every single day to be negative. And so forth.
  • They can be driven away, but once you're targeted, you will have to stay strong forever. Your faith is going to be your best friend - but don't worry - it's usually enough.
This is what I have learned about these horrible things. Unlike other people, I know the trauma and havoc they can wreak on your life. I know how they can turn your healthy, happy home into something sinister and ugly. I also know that it takes diligence and determination, love and faith to guide you through the tough times. 

You'll probably need help at first - and that's okay. There are some really wonderful people out there to help you do the trick. In fact, I'm going to start working on a list of people across the country that can help you if you need it. They all care - and they all know what you're going though - and I promise, if you believe, they will help you. So look for it, and I'll post updates on it as I go.

Everyone that reads this - thank you :) It's a little different, and maybe not creepy like you hoped, but I hope that it at least gives you a few chills and keeps you thinking about what's out there other than us. Take care!

P.S. I'm not putting pictures of any demons in this post for a reason: it scares me. I hate to talk about them and post images at the same time, so... Maybe I'll get braver soon!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Real Life Hauntings Usually Aren't Like the Movies - Usually

Hi everyone! So, today I want to touch on the fact that real life hauntings usually aren't like the movies. Usually, they aren't. Not always, but in my case, and in the case of many others that I have studied up on, it never really gets much like the movies show it. You know it's sad when you watch a Paranormal flick and your 10-year-old says, yeah right - it's not like that... 

Now, my stoic Colleen has asked me why our haunting wasn't like the movies. But, this little darling also is the first one to tell me when the house needs to be blessed again. Yes, we have to regularly bless our house - but that's another story. So, one night - because I'm a paranormal junkie - we were watching one of my favorite haunting shows and Colleen says to me, "Why wasn't our house like that if ours was worse?" Good question. Actually, excellent question.

Found the picture on Pinterest - here's the link to the site:
It's in Germany. Might not be haunted but use your imagination - I bet it is!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Are Aliens Paranormal? Do they Count as Hauntings?

So... Today it's all about aliens. Oh - I know, you're thinking GREAT, now she has ALIENS?! Now, I'm not going to say that we have had alien encounters - yet - but you never know, right? But - one thing I want to kind of talk about is how aliens sometimes seem to go hand in hand with ghosts and hauntings. This totally fascinates me and I'll tell you why:
I was watching another ghost show - which will remain nameless. If you're a fan, you'll guess it anyway. So... She says that she thinks that some of what the family is dealing with may be aliens.
WHAT is this?! I found it on Pinterest, but here's the link...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Normal People Don't Deal with Ghosts - Do They?

So, one of the things that I'm always challenged by is the fact that "normal people" aren't supposed to have to deal with ghosts. Right? I mean, seriously, like how crazy do I sound when I talk about all this stuff. Even my family says, "Oh Melissa, are you sure you weren't just imagining things?" My sister - gotta love her - only believes me because she and her husband have been at my house and experienced things. 

There are skeptics. I get that. I don't blame them. I've always been interested in the paranormal - and this isn't my first haunted rodeo, haha - but you have to admit, it does sound a little weird. Then, when I tell friends or family that I haven't talked to in a while that we had to have our house cleansed because we had a demon in it? Hahaha - you can imagine some of the really strange looks I get. But you know, we're just normal people. 

My normal self - loving my dog